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He's taken Ellie to the park, gone for a walk with her around the block, played tag with her in the yard, trying everything to get her to calm down a bit. She's incredibly hyper and giddy which isn't a bad thing, it's nice to see her like that again but it's past bedtime now and he just knows she'll be grumpy in the morning if she doesn't get enough sleep.

"Here's your milk, honey." He hands her a sippy cup and starts up The Little Mermaid.

"Thanks daddio." She stretches out her blanket so it covers a bit of her daddy too and he smiles at her.

She keeps wiggling around as she watches the movie, clearly not relaxing like he had hoped she would.

She moves herself onto his lap, wrapping her blanket snuggly around her as she cuddles up in his arms. He snuggles her close, knowing that most times when she crawls onto his lap she falls asleep.

But alas, that's not the case this time. She sings and laughs along with the movie while he continues to try and get her to relax. "El, honey, it's way past bedtime. I'm all for you being happy and enjoying the movie but it's time to start relaxing."

"Sorry daddy." She pecks a kiss to his cheek and lays her head on his shoulder.


She's been quiet for the last little while and he thinks she's fallen asleep, that is until the credits roll and he hears Ellie speak. "Another one?"

He sighs. "I thought you were asleep, kiddo."

"Nope. We can watch The Lion King?" She suggests. "I know you like that one."

"El, it's almost eleven o'clock, that's two hours past your bedtime."

"But if I go to bed then you'll be all by yourself, I don't want you to be alone daddy, that's no fun."

"Nice try." He pecks a kiss to her forehead and stands up. "Why don't you sleep in my bed tonight?" He knows that she'll be up all night playing with her toys if she sleeps in her own room, this way he can make sure she falls asleep and stays asleep.

"Sleepover? Yay!" He chuckles and walks with her into his bedroom. He sets her down and she slips underneath the covers, curling up close to his side when he lays down. "Are you sure I have to go to bed, daddy?"

"Yes, El, you have to go to bed."

"But do I really have to go to bed? Why can't I stay up late?"

"You are up late. Why are you so hyper today? You never put up a fight when I tell you it's bedtime."

"I'm too excited to sleep."

"Why are you so excited?"

"Duh, Daddy," she pokes him in the forehead and giggles. "Allie's coming tomorrow."

"Ah, I see," he sighs. "El, you do know that Allie is only coming by to get her stuff, right?"

"But she'll see me and she'll want to stay, and then you can tell her you love her and she'll want to stay extra more!"

"Honey, you're going to be at daycare when Allie comes. I'm not going to be here either she's just going to get her stuff and then she's going home."

"But this is her home!"

"Not anymore."

"But I want it to be! I miss her, daddy! And you miss her too!"

"I do miss her, honey, but that doesn't matter now. I know you love Allie and you wanted her to be your new mommy but I don't want you to get your hopes up. Like I said, she's just coming by to get her things tomorrow, you'll be at daycare and I'll be at work."

A tear falls down her cheek and he quickly wipes it away. "Will I ever get to see Allie again?"

"I'm sure you will, baby. You and Allie are always going to be friends, I will never keep you from seeing her if that's what you want."

"You're not letting me see her tomorrow." She points out, crossing her arms over her chest in a huff.

"Honey I told you, she's just coming by to pick up her stuff, she's not coming for a visit."

"You should've told her to come for a visit." She pauses. "You should've told her to come back home." She corrects herself, rolling over and turning her back to him.

He sighs. "I love you."

She's silent for a moment. "I love you too," She mumbles quietly. "now I'm going to bed because I'm grumpy at you."

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