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FP is woken up as Ellie jumps on him. He opens his eyes slowly and sees her grinning at him. "Hello, daddio!"

"Hey munchkin," He pulls her close and presses a kiss to her cheek as she snuggles up next to him. "What are you doing up?"

"I'm not sleepy no more, daddy!"

"Daddy has the day off baby girl." FP yawns, still tired.

"You do?" He nods. "Do I still have to go to daycare?"

"No, honey. You and I are going to spend the day together." He gets out of bed and lifts her up into his arms, walking into the kitchen.

"That's the bestest!" She squeals happily.

"We can do whatever you want."

"Can we go to the park?"

"Sure we can."

"Can we make pancakes?"

He shows her the pancake mix in his hands. "One step ahead of you kiddo."

"I wanna help daddy!"


"Daddy! Watch this!" Ellie tells him before sliding down the slide with a giggle.

"Wow look at you go!"

As she's playing FP gets a phone call, he sees that it's his lawyer calling about the divorce papers. He's been waiting for the call.

So, with a sigh he reaches out for his daughter. "Sweetie, can you come with me?"

"But daddy, I want to play!" She whines.

"You can come play again as soon I'm done on the phone."

"Please can I play daddy?"

He sighs and gives in. "Okay. But be extra careful, no playing on the monkey bars or swings until I get back."

"I won't!" She promises.

He walks a little ways away from the playground so he can answer his phone. "Hello?"

Ellie continues to play, walking toward the slide to go down. She giggles as she goes down and then sees a soccer ball in the grass. She always loves playing soccer with her daddy so she runs towards it. She doesn't make it far though as she trips on her shoelace and falls on the pavement of the playground.

FP is distracted and yelling into his phone and doesn't hear the crying of his little girl.

"Come here, sweetheart. It's okay." A blonde woman coos as she picks the little girl up into her arms. Ellie clings onto her as she wails loudly. The woman brings her over to a bench and sets her down on it. "You're okay, honey. I'll just put a band aid on your knee and you'll be just fine." She tells her, wiping away the little girl's tears with her thumb.

"Is it broken? Did I cut it open?" Ellie asks.

"No, you just scraped it." The woman says as she wipes the blood off of her knee with a tissue and pulls a band aid out of her purse, putting it over the scrape on her knee. "There, good as new!"

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