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"Ok, you be good for Allie, honey." FP tells Ellie as he gets ready to leave for work.

"I will, daddy!"

"I shouldn't be too late. Well, hopefully."

"It's fine if you are, she's no trouble." Alice assures him.

"Alright, well you two have fun, if you need anything just call." He leans down to give Ellie a kiss. "See you later."

"Bye, daddy." Ellie waves as he walks out the door. "Allie lets play dollies!" She takes the woman's hand in her own and drags her off to her bedroom.


The phone ringing is what interrupts Alice and Ellie's movie. The little girl had insisted they watch The Little Mermaid. "I'm just going to go answer that, I'll be right back." Alice tells her. Ellie scoots off of Alice's lap to allow her to answer the phone.

"Hello?" Alice speaks into the phone.

"Hey, Al. How are you two doing?"

"Good, we're just watching a movie before bedtime."

"Speaking of bedtime, are you able to put her to bed for me? I have to stay at work later than planned so I won't be home in time."

"Yeah of course. Everything alright at work?"

"Yeah just busy and then my boss wants to have a meeting."

"Oh okay. Well don't worry and don't rush, I'll get her to bed!"

"Thanks, Al. I'm pretty sure you know her routine by now but just make sure you give her a sippy cup of milk, helps her sleep."

Alice smiles. "I know. Brush teeth, change into pj's, read a story and give her a cup of milk. I got it!"

"Thank you! I appreciate it! If there's any trouble just call me."

"We'll be fine, she's an angel."

Ellie comes running over and tugs on Alice's hand. "Allie come on you're missing the movie!"

"I'm coming honey, do you want to say hi to your daddy?" Ellie nods excitedly and Alice holds the phone up to her ear.

"Hi daddy!" She cheerily chirps into the phone.

FP smiles at the sound of his baby girl's voice on the other line. "Hi princess, are you and Allie having fun?"

"We're watching The Little Mermaid!"

"You are? Well Allie is just the best isn't she?"


FP laughs. "Alright, well I have to stay late at work so I won't be home for bedtime, be good for Allie okay? When she says it's bedtime, listen."

"I will daddy, I promise!"

"I love you, Ellie Belly."

"I love you too, daddy! Bye!"

Alice hangs up the phone and Ellie tugs her over to the couch. "Allie go back! We missed some!"

"I'm on it, kiddo!" She rewinds the movie a bit and smiles as Ellie moves into her lap, cuddling up to her immediately.


When the movie is over Alice turns off the TV and glances down at the sleepy girl in her lap. "You ready for bed, El?" She nods and Alice stands up with her in her arms, walking to the bathroom.

She gives Ellie her toothbrush and puts some toothpaste on it for her. "Okay, you brush your teeth while I go get you some milk."

"Okay, Allie!"

Alice smiles at the little girl before walking to the kitchen. She takes a sippy cup out of the cupboard and fills it with milk.

She walks back to the bathroom and sees Ellie making faces into the mirror. She laughs. "You done brushing your teeth?" Ellie nods and reaches out her arms for Alice to carry her to her room.

Alice sets her down on the bed and places the sippy cup on the nightstand before walking over to the dresser. "Alright what jammies do you want to wear?"

"My princess ones!"

Alice pulls out two pairs and shows them to her. "Sleeping Beauty or Cinderella?"

"Sleeping Beauty!"

"Good choice!" She helps her change into her pyjamas and then Ellie hands her a book that she picked for her bedtime story. Alice tucks her in and hands her the sippy cup.

She sits down on the edge of the bed and reads her her story, she's not even halfway through when she notices the little girl is fast asleep.

She presses a kiss to her forehead and flips on the nightlight before turning off the light.

She walks into FP's bedroom and picks out a pair of pyjamas for him, she leaves them in the living room and after double checking that the front door is locked, gets herself ready for bed as well.


An hour or so later she feels someone poking her and shaking her awake. She opens her eyes to see Ellie standing beside the bed, clutching her blanky tightly and crying.

"Hey sweetheart, what's wrong?"

"I had a bad dream." She tells her, her bottom lip quivering. "Daddy isn't home. Can I sleep with you, Allie."

"Of course you can." She pulls back the covers and scoots over to make room for the 3 year old. Ellie jumps into the bed quickly and tucks herself up against Alice who in turn wraps her arms around her, giving her a sense of safety. "You wanna tell me about your dream? That always made me feel better when I had bad dreams."

Ellie nods and Alice wipes the tears from her cheek. "There was a monster in my room and I tried to hide from it but it found me and it took me away!"

"Oh no, I can see why you're so scared. But don't you worry, there's absolutely no monsters in here and I won't let anything happen to you." Alice soothes.


"I promise!"

"Thanks, Allie." Ellie cuddles even closer, laying her head on Alice's chest as she practically wraps her whole body around the woman. "Night night."

"Night, Ellie," Alice presses a kiss to the top of her head. "sweet dreams."

FP comes home shortly after and the first thing he does is poke his head into Ellie's room to check on her. He doesn't see her in there and feels his heart rate pick up. That is, until he catches a glimpse of her and Alice snuggled up in his bed together. He smiles at the sight before shutting the door as quietly as possible.

He goes out to the living room and finds the pyjamas Alice left out, smiling at the fact that she thought of him.

He easily falls asleep on the couch, happy to know that his daughter was in good hands all night, and with Alice on his mind.

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