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"Okay honey, remember mommy is picking you up from daycare."

"I know, daddy, you told me already!"

"Just want to make sure you don't forget kiddo."

"I won't!" She hugs him tight and pecks a kiss to his cheek. "I love you daddy, see you and Allie later!"

He sets her down on the ground and she rushes over to her friends. "See you later, baby."

He can't help but feel a little sick as he leaves his baby girl in the hands of his soon to be ex wife. He knows Gladys would never put her in harm, no matter how shitty of a parent she may be, but it doesn't help the fears he feels deep down.

He just doesn't want to see his little girl get hurt again.


"Has anyone arrived for Isabelle Jones yet?" Miss Tina questions the woman at the front of the daycare.

"No, I was starting to wonder myself." The little girl has been blissfully unaware of her peers leaving.

"That's strange, her dad is hardly ever late without telling us. I'll go talk to her." She walks over to the little girl, crouching down beside her. "Ellie, sweetheart?" Miss Tina softly interrupts her as she's drawing a picture.

"Hi Miss Tina!" She cheerily greets.

"That's a really pretty picture."


"Honey, did your daddy say he'd be late?"

Ellie shakes her head. "My Daddy isn't picking me up today, my mommy is!"

"Your mommy is huh? Did she say she'd be late?"

"I don't know. Why? Is my mommy late?"

"Yeah honey, she is. It's okay though, you just keep drawing your pretty picture."


Miss Tina walks to the phone and dials the home phone number of the Jones' household.

FP agreed to stay late at work since Gladys had arranged to pick Ellie up from daycare, so it's Alice who picks up when the phone rings.


"Hi, this is Tina from the daycare, is this Gladys Jones?"

"No, this is Alice Smith, I'm currently staying with FP and Ellie, is everything alright?"

"Actually, no one came to pick up Ellie so we just wanted to call and see if someone was coming for her. She was supposed to be picked up an hour and a half ago."

"I'll be right there."

Thankfully FP had caught a ride to work with Fred this morning so his truck is there, along with Ellie's car seat.

She drives to the daycare as fast as she legally can and rushes inside, seeing Ellie crying at a table, being soothed by one of the workers.

"Allie." Ellie runs to her in a heap of tears. Alice lifts her up into her arms, holding her close. "Mommy didn't come get me!"

"I know, honey. It's alright, I'm here now." Alice soothes, petting her hair.

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