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"How was she?" FP asks Hermione and Fred as he comes back into the living room.

"An angel." Hermione answers with a grin. "Sorry though, we put her to bed and we assumed she was asleep, she wasn't making any noises to make us think otherwise." She apologizes.

"Yeah she's sneaky like that, I've walked past her room a few times and caught her playing barbies after I put her to bed."

The other two adults laugh and Fred holds Hermione's coat out as she slips her arms into it. "Well we'll see you three later."

"Yeah, thank you for watching her."

"Yeah of course, anytime."

Fred and Hermione leave and FP turns to Alice, she gives him a shy smile and bites at her bottom lip. He smirks and steps closer to her, his hands finding her hips.

Her own hand comes up to stroke his cheek, feeling the toughness of his beard underneath her palm. "Is she in bed?"

He nods. "Probably fast asleep."

She smiles knowingly and lets her other hand come to the back of his neck, pulling his face down to hers.

But it seems like fate isn't on their side because just as their lips are about to meet the front door opens and Fred scrambles in. "Shit! I'm sorry, I just forgot my jacket." He grabs it and quickly rushes back to the door. "You two just go back to what you were about to do, pretend I was never here. Have fun!" And then he's gone, leaving the two adults alone in the room again.

"Well that's a real mood killer." He sighs.

She drops her forehead against his shoulder with a chuckle. "I don't think tonight is our night." She admits, smiling as his arms wrap fully around her waist.

"I think you may be right. Maybe since we had such a good date we're just not destined to have a kiss tonight." He presses a kiss to her head.

"Maybe." She looks up at him and gives him a small smile. "Thank you for tonight, it was so great. I'll see you in the morning, handsome." She presses a lingering kiss to his cheek and walks towards his bedroom.

"Night, Al." He smiles as he lays down on the couch.


He's the first one to wake up, and rubs at his eyes. The house is quiet, he looks towards the kitchen and finds it empty, so he knows Alice is still asleep.

He stands up from the couch and walks into the kitchen, starting up a pot of coffee. He pokes his head into Ellie's room and sees that she's still sleeping peacefully.

He walks to his own bedroom and opens the door as quietly as possible. He walks over to the bed and slips under the covers next to Alice. He tucks a strand of hair behind her ear to gently wake her. "Hey, Al."

She hums softly in response, moving over to snuggle up to him. "Good morning."

"Morning gorgeous," He watches as she smiles and looks up at him. "you sleep well?"

"I did. Did you?" He nods and feels her wrap her arms around him. "I would've much preferred sleeping next to you."

"I agree. Waking up next to someone as pretty as you sounds like a damn good morning." He presses a kiss to her forehead. "I made coffee."

"Oh that sounds so good."

She leans up, and is just about to press her lips to his when they hear footsteps accompanied by Ellie's voice. "Daddy?"

"In here, El." He calls. Alice scoots away from him a little and the door opens a few moments later, revealing the smiling face of the three year old.

"Hi daddy! Hi Allie!" She pulls herself up onto the bed, slotting herself between the adults. "How come you're in the bed and not the couch? Were you and Allie snuggling?"

"Uh, yeah, honey we were." FP answers, watching as Alice chuckles next to them.

"Without me?" Ellie seems offended and it makes him laugh.

"Sorry baby, I didn't want to wake you. Come here," She scoots closer and pulls on Alice's hand to bring her over as well. "you're the best snuggler."


"Alright, tell us all about your night with Uncle Fred and Aunt Hermie. What did you guys do?"

"It was so much fun daddy!" He grins at her as she gushes about all the fun she had with her aunt and uncle.

Alice stares fondly at him, she doesn't know if it's because he's such a good dad or if it's because he's just so handsome. Maybe a mix of both. But either way, she knows she's falling hard for him.

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