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A day later and he still hasn't heard from Gladys but Ellie is completely heartbroken.

He had gotten off late from work, having to ask for the day off tomorrow so he could spend time with his daughter. His boss was thankfully very understanding.

He showed up late to pick up Ellie from daycare and when he walked in he saw her sitting on one of the workers laps with a sad look on her face.

She practically jumped on him the second she saw him and refused to let go until he had to put her in the truck.

He's tried calling Gladys but he gets no response every time. That's when he realizes she changed her number.

The least she could have done is said goodbye. At least to their daughter. Instead she left without saying a word, just packing up and leaving behind a precious little girl who wonders if the reason her mommy left is because she's mad at her.

It breaks his heart to see her so sad and he tries everything in his power to make her smile. He plays with her blocks and builds princess towers with her. He plays with her barbies and plays hide and go seek. Doing all the things he knows she loves.

He gives her an extra scoop of ice cream for dessert and drizzles extra chocolate sauce on top, hoping that will make her smile even a little bit but she still looks completely heartbroken and it kills him.

He's holding her in his arms as they watch TV and he feels sick as he sees the sadness replacing her usually joyful face. "Hey, princess, what's going on? You've been pouty all day, talk to me." He presses a kiss to the top of her head. "How can I make you feel better? I don't like seeing you so sad."

"I just miss mommy." She seems like she has a lot more to say but he doesn't push.

"I know you do, honey. I do too. I'm sorry she left."

"Me too." She sighs and scoots off of his lap. "Can you get me milk for bed?"

"Sure I can, you tired kiddo?"

She nods and walks towards the bathroom. "I'll brush my teeth!"

"Okay, I'll be right in."

He turns off the TV and walks to the kitchen to get her a drink. Usually Ellie is so full of life and smiling and laughing, so seeing her so heartbroken kills him.

He walks into the bathroom after getting her a drink and she turns to him, smiling to show off her teeth. He laughs. "Good brushing, your teeth are all clean." She smiles at that and rinses off her toothbrush.

She takes his hand and pulls him to her bedroom with her. He tucks her in after putting on her pyjamas and kisses her forehead. "I love you Ellie Belly, goodnight honey."

"I love you too, daddy. Goodnight!"

He goes to his own bed and falls asleep almost instantly, the exhausting events of Gladys leaving letting him drift off easily.


He isn't asleep long when he feels someone shaking him awake. He opens his eyes to see Ellie sitting beside him on the bed. "Hey kid, you alright?"

"I can't sleep."

"Why not? Did you have a bad dream?"

She shakes her head. "I'm just too sad!"

He sits up against the headboard. "Are you sad because of mommy?"

"Yeah and because I thought you were going to leave me too."

"What? Why did you think that?"

"Because you were late picking me up! I didn't think you were coming to get me."

"Is that why you were sitting on Miss Tina's lap and looking sad?" She nods and he pulls her onto his lap. "Listen, I am never, ever going to leave you. I promise you!"

"Pinky promise?" She wonders, sticking out her pinky.

He laughs and locks his pinky with hers. "Pinky promise." He sees her smile wide and hugs her. "You're my most favourite person in the whole wide world, I would never leave without taking you with me."

"Good. I'd miss you a lot if you did."

"I'd miss you more."

"Can I sleep in here with you?" She asks him.

"Sure, honey." She pecks a kiss to his cheek and moves beside him, flinging her little arms and legs around him.

"Can you sing the sunshine song, daddy?"

He smiles and starts singing softly. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are grey. You'll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away."

"I love you, daddy." She whispers with sleep heavy eyes.

"I love you too, sweetheart. Sweet dreams."

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