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"Daddy." A tiny voice whispers as they shake him. "Daddy, up!" He slowly opens his eyes and is met with the smiling face of his daughter.

"Morning, El. Did you sleep well?"

She nods. "Yeppers!"

He smiles and presses a kiss to the side of her head. "You wanna watch some cartoons?" She nods. "Alrighty, we just have to be quiet though, Alice is still sleeping."

She looks over at Alice who's fast asleep, head resting on FP's thigh, a blanket wrapped snuggly around her.

"How's come Allie sleeped out here with you?"

"We were watching a movie and she fell asleep. We both did."

"Ohhhh. Can I sleep on the couch with you and Allie tonight?"

"Well baby I don't think we're going to be sleeping out here again, it was just an accident."

"Can we sleep in your big bed? It fits us all."

"We'll see." He pecks a kiss to her cheek and feels Alice stir beside him. "Well good morning sleeping beauty."

She gives him a groggy smile. "Good morning." She sits up and rolls out her neck with a wince. "Your leg isn't a very good pillow."

"You're the one who fell asleep on me."


"Allie! Daddy said we can all sleep in his bed!"

"I said we'll see, honey."

Alice smiles at the two of them and stands up from the couch, stretching out her arms and legs. "I'm going to make coffee, you want some?"

"Yeah but I'll come with you, gotta get started on breakfast anyway. You wanna stay here and watch cartoons kiddo?" Ellie nods and he grins down at her.

"I want waffles daddy!" She requests.

"Waffles sound good to me. Al?"

"I love waffles."

The phone rings as he's about to follow Alice into the kitchen. "Hello?" He answers.

"Allie can you make chocolate waffles?" Ellie asks.

"How about chocolate and banana? Ever had that?"

She shakes her head. "That sounds yummy!"

"It is. It's my favourite and I think you'll like them too."

"I'm excited Allie!"

Alice chuckles as she hears Ellie's stomach growl. "Come with me kiddo, I'll get you a little snack to hold you over." The two of them walk into the kitchen hand in hand as FP is getting off the phone.

"Who's you talking to daddy?"

"It was Uncle Freddy, he and Aunt Hermie are coming over for dinner tonight, that sound good?"

"That sounds super duper! You hear that Allie?"

"I did, that's exciting."

"Hope you don't mind." FP directs the sentence to Alice.

"Not at all, I like them, I've only met them a few times but they seem like great people." She hands Ellie a small bowl filled with goldfish crackers.


There's a knock on the door and Ellie perks right up. "Can I open the door daddy? Pleaseeeee?"

"Sure kid, go ahead."

She runs over to the door and opens it up, smiling wide as her aunt and uncle come into view. "Hi Uncle Freddie! Hi Aunt Hermie."

"Hey cutie." Fred scoops her up as they walk in.

"Hey," FP greets, pecking a kiss to Hermione's cheek. "She's been excited all day for you two to show up."

Hermione smiles and reaches over, tickling Ellie's stomach. "She's getting so big, it's crazy."

"I know, it feels like just yesterday she was a little baby, now she's three. Starting school next year, it's crazy how fast the time goes."

"I'm a big girl now!" Ellie states proudly.

"Dinners ready!" Alice announces.

The 5 of them sit down at the table and Alice places a plate of food in front of Ellie. "You want me to cut it up for you honey?"

"No, I wanna eat it like a big girl!"

"Yeah you're growing like a weed, huh? Soon you're not gonna be my little baby anymore." FP frowns and Ellie reaches over to hold his hand.

"It's okay daddy, I'm still your little baby."

He smiles and leans over to give her a kiss. "I love you, kiddo."

"Speaking of little baby's." Fred smiles at Hermione and she nods. "In about eight months we'll be having one of our own."

"Wait, are you two-" FP turns his focus to Hermione. "Are you pregnant?"

She nods with a wide grin on her face. "8 weeks! We found out last week!"

"That's amazing, congratulations." Alice smiles at the two of them.

"Can't believe it, congrats guys." FP stands up to go hug them.

Ellie walks over to Alice and pulls on her hand to get her attention. "What's going on?"

Alice pulls her up onto her lap. "Uncle Fred and Aunt Hermie are going to have a baby."

"They are?" Her eyes grow wide.

"Mhm, the baby is in Aunt Hermie's belly."

Hermione nods when Ellie looks toward her for confirmation. "How'd it get in there?"

FP takes his seat beside Alice just as Ellie asks the question. "Um, well," the 4 adults look helplessly at each other.

"Magic." Alice comes up with. "The baby got there because of magic."

"Woah! That's super cool!"

FP takes a deep breath and turns to Alice. "Thank you." He whispers.

She smiles and places her hand on his thigh, giving a reassuring squeeze. "Of course."

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