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"I'm nervous, should I be nervous? How do I stop being nervous?" FP panics, Alice tries to calm him down as best she can.

"It's normal to be nervous, but you don't have anything to be nervous about. There's no chance you won't get custody." Alice soothes.

"I know, but I mean what if things don't go as planned? What if Gladys does end up winning?"

"Hey, hey, she won't." She places her hand on his cheek in a calming motion but a spark runs through him. "Things are going to be just fine. We'll be right out here waiting for you."

"Do you want me to come in with you so you're not scared, daddy?" Ellie offers and he smiles at her. "I'll hold your hand so you're not nervous anymore!"

"You're sweet, Ellie-belly," He leans down and kisses her forehead. "It's okay though, I'll be alright." He looks to Alice and let's out a heavy breath. "Guess I should go in."

"Wait," She lets go of Ellie's hand so she can straighten out his tie and collar. "there. Now go get your custody."

He smiles and is about to walk into the courtroom when Ellie's voice stops him. "Wait!"

"What is it, baby?" He asks her.

"Good luck kiss!" She puckers her lips and he chuckles as he kneels down to give her a hug and kiss. "Come on Allie, let's go play with my toys!" She takes Alice hand again once FP disappears inside the courtroom and drags Alice over to a chair.

She had filled Alice's purse up with a bunch of toys before they left. FP wanted to leave her at home with Alice but there was the small chance she might need to be there and he didn't want to have to reschedule the trial, wanting to get everything over with so he can move on with his life.

"Allie?" Ellie questions as she plays with a Barbie. "Is mommy coming?"

Alice sighs and gives her a small smile, no sense in lying to the girl. "Yeah honey, she is."

"Do I have to say hi to her? Am I a mean girl if I don't?"

"Oh no, honey, not at all. You don't have to talk to her unless you want to, you're not a mean girl."

"Ok," she agrees. "'cause I'm still sad at mommy."

"I know sweetheart." Alice pulls her up onto her lap and Ellie lays her head on her shoulder. "You don't have to do anything you don't want to do, your daddy and I won't be mad if you don't ever want to talk to your mommy again."

"Promise?" Ellie sticks out her pinky and Alice smiles at her as she locks pinkies with her.

"Yeah, honey, I promise."


"Mr. Cullihan, where is your client?" The judge questions Gladys' lawyer, clearly not happy that the woman has kept them all waiting.

"She should be here soon, I'm sure if it, Your honor."

"Please go see if you can get in contact with her. If she doesn't show, I will have no choice but to rule in favour of Mr. Jones."

"Yes, I'll go see if I can contact her." Her lawyer rushes out of the room and Sierra nudges him.

"See? Things are already going well for you. This just proves the fact that she doesn't care enough to come to set meetings, this is especially relevant in the case that she didn't pick up Isabelle."

"You're right."

"Stop shaking," Sierra chuckles. "You don't have to be nervous, I can't see this possibly going any other way."

"I know it's just the 'what if's', y'know?"

"Yeah, I know but-" the courtroom doors fly open and Gladys' lawyer comes in, effectively cutting off Sierra's sentence.

"Mr. Cullihan did you contact Ms Knight?"

"Yes, well um, no. She left this at the front desk." He waves the papers in his hand.

"Bring it up." The judge slips on his glasses as the lawyer brings the papers up to him.

FP anxiously waits as the judge reads it over. He's incredibly curious about what's written on the papers. "Well, this is an unexpected event. Mr Jones?"

FP stands. "Yes, your honor?"

"Ms Knight has signed away her rights to the child." FP is stunned. "Congratulations, your request for full custody is granted."

"T-thank you!" He stammers out.

Sierra smiles and stands up, giving him a hug. "Told you things would work out."

"Just can't believe she signed away her rights. I knew she was a shitty person but I didn't think she would just sign away any right to our daughter."

"I know, it's absolutely horrible but look on the bright side, you have your daughter, you don't have to worry about Gladys coming in and out of her life anymore."


He walks out of the courtroom and finds Alice and Ellie sitting on a chair colouring in a colouring book together. "Hey there you two." He greets, snapping them out of their daze.

"Hello daddio!" Ellie scoots off of Alice's lap to go hug him, smiling as he lifts her up. "How was your special big person meeting?"

"It was good, honey, thanks for asking."

"Allie said that mommy was coming but I didn't see her."

"Yeah honey, she didn't come."

"She didn't?" Alice questions with wide eyes.

He shakes his head. "Signed away her rights. Couldn't even be bothered to show up."

"She just completely signed away all rights?"

"Yep. I mean I'm glad that this went so easily but jeez... she just quit being a parent."

"At least you got your full custody."

"Yeah and I didn't even have to face that bitch-"

"Daddy! Bad word!" Ellie scolds.

"Sorry honey." He kisses her head. "What do you say we go home and watch some movies to celebrate?" He suggests.

"Can we have ice cream?" Ellie's eyes twinkle at the thought.

"Sure honey, that sounds nice."

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