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"Time for bed, El." FP tells the sleepy girl who's latched herself onto Alice and has refused to let go unless absolutely necessary, since they got home.

"I wanna keep snuggling with Allie 'cause she's sad."

Alice smiles sadly at him and then looks down at the little girl. "I'm okay, honey." She presses a kiss to her head. "We can snuggle more in the morning."

She huffs and sits up. "Fine." She gives Alice a hug and kiss and lifts her arms for FP take her. "Night night, Allie."

"Goodnight, sweetheart."

FP carries her off to bed and when he comes back he silently takes Alice's hand and leads her to the bathroom. He hooks an arm around her waist and hoists her up onto the counter.

He roots around in the drawers and pulls out a first aid kit. "Give me your hands." L she obliged and he brushes his lips over the scars on her palms.

He cleans up the marks and bandages her palms. "Don't worry about it FP, it's fine. They heal-"

He shushes her. "I don't want you hurting yourself anymore."

"It's just when I get freaked out."

"Doesn't matter." He finishes bandaging her palms and presses a kiss to them. "You never have to be scared while you're here. I won't let anything bad happen to you. I'll never hurt you."

She smiles at him and pulls him into a kiss. "You are the most perfect man." She gives him another kiss. "Will you stay with me tonight?"

"Yeah, Al. Of course I will."

The two of them head to the bedroom and she claims his sweater as soon as he takes it off. The scent of him on the fabric is instantly calming to her.

He joins her in bed and wraps her up in his arms, linking his fingers with hers so he can hold her hands. The gesture makes her smile.


It's the middle of the night when she feels someone climbing up onto the bed. She opens her eyes and sees Ellie pulling back the covers to slip into bed next to Alice.

Alice smiles at her and unlocks her fingers from FP's so she can wrap her arms around the little girl. Ellie presses a kiss to Alice's cheek. "Nighty night, Allie." She curls even closer to Alice, throwing her arms and legs around the woman and the three of them drift off to sleep.

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