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"Daddy? Can I go wake up Allie?" Ellie whispers as he carries her into the kitchen with him. 

"No honey, let's let Allie sleep a bit longer."

"But I want to play with her."

"You can play with her later, baby girl." He tells her as he pours out two bowls of cereal.

"But I'll be at daycare later!"

"You'll be home afterwards though and then you can play with Allie." He sets her down on a chair and hands her a bowl of cereal.

"Fine." She huffs before her lips quirk up into a smirk. "Can I come to your work?"

"I'll talk to Aunt Hermie, maybe you can come tomorrow."

"Ok! I wanna build houses!" She excitedly tells him.

"I'll find you something to do. Eat up honey, you can't go to daycare on an empty stomach."

"Hey daddy you wanna hear a knockedy knock joke?"

"Sure honey."

"Okay. Knock knock."

"Who's there?"

"Boo." She giggles in anticipation and he smiles at her.

"Boo hoo?"

"Don't cry daddy! It's only a joke." She giggles up a storm and he chuckles.

"That's a good one kiddo."

"You tell one now, daddy!"

"Okay. Knock knock."

"Who's there?"


"Banana, who?"

"Knock knock."

Her eyebrows crinkle in confusion. "Who's there?"


"Banana, who?" 

"Knock knock."

"Daddy!" She scolds. "Who is it?"

"Orange." He smirks.

"Orange, who?"

"Orange you glad I didn't say Banana?" Ellie laughs.

"That's a silly one daddy! Where did you learn it?"

"Your uncle Fred taught me that one."

"Uncle Fred's a silly goose."

He smiles. "He's something alright."

"Allie!" Ellie squeals as the bedroom door opens.

"Good morning sweetheart." She smiles at the little girl as she goes to pour coffee.

"Sit next to me, Allie!" Alice does so and the girl smiles wide. "Guess what?"


"Daddy said he might let me go to work with him tomorrow!" She squeals excitedly.

"That's awesome!"

"I'm gonna helps him and Uncle Freddy build houses!"

"Yeah? That's pretty cool! I bet you'll be a great help."

"What do you have planned for the day?" FP asks Alice.

"Just going to be catching up on work."

"Sounds like a thrilling day."

Alice smirks. "Not so much."

"Well I'm sure you already know but help yourself to whatever. There's not a lot of movies that aren't Disney princess but feel free to watch them."

"Well as much as I love a good Disney princess movie, I think I'll wait for Ellie to watch those."

"I'll be home after daycare, don't worry!" Ellie assures her. "We can watch movies and play dollies!"

"That sounds like lots of fun."

"Daddy always builds me pretty princess towers for my dolls!"

"That's awesome!"

"Daddy's the bestest!" Ellie exclaims, crawling onto her daddy's lap.

"Yeah he is pretty great, huh?" FP smiles at the comment from Alice.

"Yep!" She pecks a kiss to FP's cheek. "I love daddy!"

"Love you too, baby girl."

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