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FP is warm beside her, his arm draped over her middle. She slips out of his arms as carefully as she can and tip-toes out of the room to go wake Ellie.

She lightly shakes her awake and her eyes flutter open. "Hey honey, do you want to help me make a special breakfast for daddy?"

"I do, Allie!"

"What should we make him?" Alice questions, scooping the girl up into her arms.

"Bacon and eggs! It's daddy's favourite, he loves lots of bacon."

"Well then bacon and eggs it is." Alice sets her on the counter and her crack some eggs while she heats up a pan to cook the bacon. She starts a pot of coffee as well.

The bedroom door opens as they're finishing up breakfast and FP comes walking out. "Daddy! We're making you yummy breaky!"

"You are? That's so nice of you." He kisses her forehead, lifting her into his arms.

"It was supposed to be breakfast in bed but someone woke up." Alice teases.

"Since daddy's awake now can I go get my present for him?"

"Yeah of course you can." Alice smiles at her and watches her skip off to her bedroom to retrieve FP's present.

FP comes up behind her as she's playing the breakfast food. "Breakfast smells great, Al." He presses a kiss to her neck.

"Well only the best for you." She turns around in his arms and gives him a kiss. "Happy Father's Day."

"Thank you." He gives her another kiss and then Ellie skips back into the room. She pulls on FP's hand, bringing him over to the table and claiming his lap once he sits down.

"Allie helped me make your present!"

"She did?" Ellie nods. "I am so excited." He reads the card first, smiling at what's inside; a list of all the reasons why he's the best daddy in the world.

You play dollies with me.
You give the best hugs and snuggles.
You watch movies with me.
You make yummy food.
You love me lots and lots.

On the other side is a picture she drew of the two of them. He presses a kiss to her head. "I love my card, El."

"Yay! Now open your present!"

He reaches into the bag and retrieved the colourful, glittery picture frame. He grins. "Did you make this?" She nods proudly. "It's amazing, baby. Thank you so much, now I can frame all the pretty drawings you make me."

Her eyes gleam. "That's why I made it! So you can keep my drawings safe."

"Great minds think alike, I think I'll put it right on my desk at work so everyone can see my Ellie-Belly's artwork."

"Uncle Freddie might get jealous." Ellie giggles.

"Well that's just too bad for him." He jokes, peppering kisses on her cheeks.

Alice comes over and places plates of breakfast on the table. Ellie scoots off his lap in favour of food and Alice places FP's plate in front of him, wrapping her arms around his neck from behind. "Your present from me comes later. When she's asleep." She presses a kiss to his neck and he feels like his face is on fire. He smirks at her as she sits down across from him.

"Daddy?" Ellie starts.

"Yeah, El?"

"Youre the bestest daddy ever. In the whole wide world you're the bestest." Ellie tells him, just before scooping up a spoonful of eggs into her mouth.

FP smiles at her and gives her a kiss. "And you're the bestest daughter in the whole wide world. I love you."

"I love you too, daddy. Lots and lots and lots!"

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