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Saturday rolls around agonizingly slow but it comes eventually, much to FP's delight. Hermione and Fred arrived a little while ago, allowing him and Alice to get themselves ready while they watched Ellie.

He takes a good look at himself in the mirror, straightening his collar before spritzing a little cologne on. It's their first real date, he's going to pull all the stops to ensure they have a good night.

Once he's happy with his appearance he walks out into the living room where Ellie has roped her aunt and uncle into playing with her Barbie dolls. 

"Looking sharp Jones." Hermione comments with a smile.

"You look like a fox!" Ellie tells FP as Hermione's cheeks blush.

"Who taught you that?" FP chuckles.

"I heard Allie say it to Aunt Hermie!"

"Oh really?" He smiles knowingly at Hermione.

"Yeah, she said it when you were outside with Uncle Freddie. I don't know why though you didn't look like a fox to me, foxes are orange!"

"She meant I looked good, honey. Calling me a fox is another way to say I look handsome."

"Ohhhhh, I get it. Allie thinks your handsome."

Alice freezes in her spot as she hears Ellie's sentence. FP turns to her with a cocky grin. "What are you guys talking about?"

"Oh just that I'm a fox." He teases.

Alice looks towards Hermione with wide eyes, Hermione points to Ellie who's staring at the adults with a giddy smile.

"Allie looks like a fox too!" Ellie exclaims and FP smiles as he lifts her up.

"Yeah, Allie looks real pretty doesn't she?" He watches as Alice's cheeks blush.

Ellie had sat with her as she got ready, telling her to curl her hair and helping her pick her makeup, resulting in the deep red lipstick she's wearing. But perhaps the most noticeable part of her appearance is the form fitting black dress she's got on, hugging her curves in all the right places.

"I helped her get ready." Ellie states proudly.

"Yes you did, you were a very good help." Alice presses a kiss to her cheek, leaving a faint lipstick stain on her cheek.

"You ready to go?" FP asks her.

"Yeah, lets go."

He gives Ellie a kiss and sets her down so she can go back to playing. "See you in the morning baby girl. See you two later."

"Have fun!" Hermione smiles at them.

"Not too much fun though." Fred winks suggestively and Alice laughs as FP's cheeks heat up.

The two of them walk outside, his hand on the small of her back. "Here let me help you." He offers her his hand as she climbs up into the truck. He closes her door for her and gets in himself, driving to the restaurant they decided on.

"I made reservations so we should be good to go."

"Perfect." Alice smiles. Little does he know she doesn't care where they go or what they do, she just wants to get to know the handsome man next to her.


"I'm sorry sir, we just gave your table to Mr Lodge."

"But I made a reservation! We're not even late, we're right on time."

"I apologize, Mr Lodge is one of our best customers and a highly respected citizen of the town. You can wait if you'd like."

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