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"Do I gets to bring my dollhouse home tomorrow?" Ellie questions as FP tucks her in.

"We'll see baby, I'll do my best to have it ready tomorrow."

"Yay! Then you and Allie and me can play together!"

"I'd love that, El." He gives her a kiss. "Night, honey."

"Night night, daddy. Give Allie a hug for me."

He smiles. "Will do." He walks out of her room and closes the door behind him.

He walks out to the living room and finds Alice sitting on the couch, her knees tucked up against her chest. He joins her on the couch and wraps his arms around her. "That's from Ellie." Alice smiles. "Alright, Al. What's going on? You've been acting strange lately."

She burst into tears and he quickly pulls her into his arms. He soothes her as she cries into his chest. "Alice, you're scaring me. I'm worried about you." He places his finger under her chin and tilts her face up to look at him. "Talk to me, babe."

"I think I might be pregnant." She admits. "And I know it's just going to screw up your life and I'm so sorry for that, I understand if you don't want anything to do with me if that's the case and-" her rambling is stopped by his lips on hers.

He pulls away and she looks at him, confused. "That's why you've been acting so weird?" She nods. "You had me scared, I thought something had happened to you, that Jason had tried to contact you again."

"No, I just... I was scared you'd be mad at me."

"Mad at you?" She nods. "Al, it's not your fault if you are. We're always safe, if it did happen then it's neither of our faults. Either way, I would never be mad at you for something like this."

"You wouldn't?" She sniffles and he chuckles, pulling her close and pressing kisses into her hair.

"It's not ideal, no. But if it did happen and you are pregnant then I'll be there for you and the baby."


"Of course." He kisses her softly. "We can buy a test tomorrow and find out for sure."

"That sounds good."

"So you can stop worrying, because I'm not mad at you." He stands up and she laughs when he scoops her up as well, walking them into his bedroom. He shuts the door behind them and pulls his shirt off, changing into his pyjamas before laying down in bed.

Alice joins him, curling up against his side, smiling when she feels his arms wrap around her. "So you're really not upset? What if I am pregnant? What will we do?"

"We'll start buying baby stuff, I have most of El's baby furniture in a storage locker." She smiles at him. "I had a feeling we'd be having babies together one day, so what if one day comes a little earlier than I imagined. We have the money to support a baby, he or she could room with El until we can find a new place."

"You've thought about us having kids?"

"Yeah, Al. I'm crazy about you, Ellie's adores you, I'd be more surprised if we didn't have kids together. As long as it's something you want."

"Of course it's something I want, I l-" she pauses. "I'm crazy about you too."

"It'll be okay, Al. I'm with you no matter what."

"You are really the best man I've ever known."

"Ditto." He gives her a kiss and she curls into his side, content with the knowledge that things will be okay.

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