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FP didn't realize just how drastically he and Ellie's life had been changed by Alice. Even little every day things have become so much more difficult and different without her around.

He hears his bedroom door open and soon feels Ellie climb onto the bed, sitting on his back. "Daddy, wake up." She whispers in his ear.

"Morning, munchkin."

"Can we have pancakes?"

"That depends." She lays down beside him so she can look at him. "Are you still mad at me?" Shes been mad at him for the past few days.

"Well... I'm still sad that Allie's gone but I'm not going to be mean anymore, I don't want you to leave me too."

"Hey, you listen to me, El. I will never ever leave you, even if you decide to be mad at me forever, I'm not going anymore. There's nothing you could do to make me leave you."

"Really?" She raises her eyebrows in disbelief and he smiles, reaching out his hand to teasingly pinch her cheek.

"Really." He promises. "You're my best girl, El. I know mommy left and you think it's your fault but it's not at all, and Allie leaving also isn't your fault, that's on me. You're the best, I'll never leave you."

"I love you, daddy." She puckers her lips to give him a kiss. "Now can we go make pancakes?"

He laughs and scoops her up into his arms. "Yeah honey, we can go make pancakes."


After getting Ellie dressed he sends her off to go brush her teeth and then gets himself ready. FP walks into the bathroom where Ellie is brushing her teeth. She turns to him and shows off her teeth. "Good job." He picks up her hairbrush. "Let's do your hair and then we'll get you to daycare."

"Can you do piggy braids?" She requests as he brushes through the tangles in her hair.

"I can try." Alice had done them all the time for her. He never got her to teach him but he wishes he had. He had watched her do it a few times so he maybe he'll be able to do it himself.

"Ouch daddy!" Ellie whines as FP ends up tying her hair into a knot.

"Sorry, honey." He brushes the knot out and sighs. "I'm sorry, El. I can't do piggy braids."

"That's okay, you tried." She says but he doesn't miss the disappointment on her face.

He comes up with a solution. "I can do piggy tails?"

She grins. "That's good too."

He ties her hair up into two pigtails and watches as she smiles beamingly in the mirror. "What do you think?"

"They're pretty! Thanks, daddy!" She turns and jumps into his arms, hugging him tight.

"You're welcome, honey." He presses a kiss to her cheek. "Now let's get you to daycare."

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