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"Have fun, kiddo." He kneels down and presses a kiss to Ellie's cheek. "We'll pick you up later."

"Bye daddy, bye Allie!" She runs off to the living room and FP stands up, smiling at Fred.

"Thanks for watching her on short notice, we have to go birthday shopping."

"Yeah of course, no problem. We love spending time with Ellie-Belly."

"We'll pick her up in a little while, you guys up for Pop's?"



"I tend to spoil her so if it looks like my total is going to be more than a thousand, stop me."

Alice laughs. "I will." She laces her fingers with his as they walk through the store in search of birthday presents for the little girl.

FP stops when he sees a Barbie set. "She's gonna love this. We won't have any free time, she'll have us playing with her every day."

"I don't mind, she's adorable."

"That she is." He tucks the box under his arm as they continue to walk.

By the time they actually make it to the bike section FP has got multiple presents for Ellie. "You really do go all out for her birthday, huh?" Alice chuckles.

"She's my baby girl, I can't help it." He shrugs, smiling and dragging her over to the bikes. "Alright, now, if Ellie were here which bike do you think she would want?"

Alice unlaces their fingers to look around and FP does the same, both pointing out different bikes to each other until they both spot the perfect one; a bubblegum pink bicycle with a little blue basket on it that adorned with fake flowers. There's a toy car seat on it as well where she can strap in a doll or stuffed animal.

"She's gonna be trying to stuff all of her teddy bears in that seat." FP laughs.

"Well that's why it has a basket too," Alice points out. "So you can fit every stuffed animal."

"I think this is the one, what about you?"

"Definitely, she'll love it. Now I need to find something for her."

"You don't have to, babe, I don't want you to feel obligated to get her something. Believe me, I spoil her enough I don't think she'd notice."

Alice smiles and gives him a kiss. "I know I don't have to, I want to is the thing. That little girl stole my heart and is the sweetest person I have ever met, I'm getting her something."

He follows her around as she tries to find the perfect gift for Ellie.

"Oh FP! I think I've got it!" She calls from the next aisle over. He walks over and sees her holding up a Cinderella princess dress, complete with a tiara and gloves. "What do you think?"

"I think she's going to lose her mind." He tilts his head down to kiss her softly. "She's going to love it."


"What did you and Allie do while I was at Uncle Fred and Aunt Hermie's house?" Ellie questions him as the three of them cuddle on the couch.

"Allie and I went present shopping for a very special girl."

Her eyes gleam. "Me!"

"Yes you," he tickles her stomach and she giggles loudly. "You're gonna be a big girl tomorrow, aren't you?"

"I'm gonna be four years old! That's almost a whole hand, daddy!"

"Yeah you're not so little anymore are you? I remember when you were just a little baby, you could practically fit in my hand you were so small."

"And now I'm big!" He smiles at her. "Can you sing me the song you would always sing to me?"

"Sure, honey. You wanna sing along?" She nods. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey. You'll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away."

"I love you, daddy." Ellie whispers, wrapping her arms around him tightly.

"I love you too, Ellie belly."

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