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"So? How'd you like your present?" Alice teases, curling close to his side.

"It was amazing. Always amazing." He turns his head and kisses her forehead. "You're amazing."

"Are you just saying that?" Alice questions.

His eyebrows crinkle and he notices how she's biting at her bottom lip nervously. "No, Al. I mean it."

"You do?" He nods. "Really?"

He sighs and rolls over so he can look at her fully. "Your ex really did a number on you, huh?"

"What do you mean?"

"You don't even believe me when I tell you you're amazing, you just immediately think I'm lying or only saying it because we just had sex."

"I'm sorry." She whispers.

"No, no, baby you don't have to be sorry." He pulls her closer and drops a kiss to her nose. "I just hate that you can't accept that people genuinely care for you. I hate that you were in a shitty relationship with someone who didn't give a shit about you." Her eyes dart around, staring into his and trying to figure out if he's being for real.

"You never have to doubt how I feel about you, Alice. I've been crazy about you since the day I met you, I don't see that changing."

She smiles and pulls him into a kiss. "You are truly the most perfect man in the world, I hope you know that."

"Well it's always nice to hear." He chuckles, kissing her again.

"By the way, I'm crazy about you too."

"I had a feeling."

She smiles and wraps her arms around him, laying her head on his chest and snuggling up to him, drifting off to sleep as his arms encase her.


Alice is woken up by the sound of Ellie's door opening and she's suddenly very aware of the fact that she doesn't have any clothes on. She quickly gets out of bed, grabbing the first articles of clothing she can find, which consists of a pair of FP's boxers and one of his sweaters.

The doorknob wiggles but doesn't open. "Allie! Are you awake?" Ellie calls for her, still trying to open the door. FP must of locked it when he woke up.

She opens the door and lets the little girl in. "Morning, sweetheart."

"Morning Allie!" She raises her arms so Alice will lift her up. "Can we have cereal and watch cartoons on the couch?"

"I don't see why not." She walks out into the kitchen, Ellie chatting away in her arms.

"Can we stay in our jammie's all day?"

"You wanna have a lazy day?" Ellie nods. "I like that idea." She sets the girl down and pours them both a bowl of cereal, carrying them over to the couch.

They do pretty much nothing all day, just watching princess movies and now playing board games, candyland to be exact, which Ellie is currently winning at.

The front door opens and they both look up to see FP come walking in, two bouquets of flowers in his hands.

"Hi daddy!"

"Hey pretty girl, what are you two up to?"

"We're playing candyland!"

"She's winning by a landslide." Alice adds.

"Do you want to play, daddy? We can start a new game."

"You don't have to start a new game, baby. You're winning."

"It's okay, I won the last time too!"

He chuckles and watches as Ellie clears the board. "Want to see the flowers I bought you, El?"

"You bought me flowers?" She grins and runs over.

"I bought you and Allie both some flowers."

"That's so nice of you daddy! That's why you're the bestest." He smiles and lifts her up so she can see the flowers, a small bouquet of pink tulips. "They're super duper pretty, thanks daddy!"

"You're welcome, honey. I'm glad you like them." He pecks a kiss to her cheek.

"Allie's flowers are pretty too." Ellie notices, snapping Alice out of her smiley daze. She's been reading the little card on the flowers over and over with the biggest grin.

"They are very pretty." Alice smiles, a faint blush on her cheeks. "Your flowers are super pretty too!"

"Isn't daddy the bestest?"

"He's perfect." Alice smiles at him.

"I'm going to get candyland ready for all of us, I'll call you in when we can play!" Ellie tells them. FP sets her down and she skips off to the living room.

FP chuckles when he notices her reading the card again. He wraps his arms around her waist and presses soft kisses to her neck.

The most beautiful flowers for the most beautiful woman, inside and out.

"Thank you. I love them." Alice grins, turning her head so she can capture his lips.

"I'm glad." She turns around in his arms and he tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, pressing a soft kiss to her lips. "By the way, you look really hot in my clothes. Pretty sure they look better on you then they do on me."

"You're sweet." She kisses him again. "Your daughter wanted to have a lazy day in our pyjamas, care to join us?"

"I'll go get changed right now, then I'm kicking your ass in candyland."

"You can try but I think Ellie has us both beat, she's really good at it."

"Oh I know I can't beat her, I'm aiming for second place." He teases, landing another kiss on her lips before walking into his bedroom.

"FP?" Alice starts. He pauses and turns back to her. "I-" she can't say it, not yet. It's too early. "Never mind." She smiles and he raises an eyebrow before shrugging it off and closing the bedroom door behind him.

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