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The first thing she notices when she wakes up is the fact that she's not alone, there's an arm draped over her middle and she looks beside her to see FP fast asleep.

Part of her thought that the night before was just some amazing dream but then the memories start flooding back to her. The way his lips felt against hers, the way his hands traveled her body, the way his body moved against hers, it was magical.

She rolls over onto her side and feels FP's arm tighten around her, drawing her closer in his sleep. She smiles and presses a kiss to his shoulder. He's so handsome even in his sleep state, his hair a mess and making him look so effortlessly sexy.

She blushes when she sees the fading scratch marks on his back, she just hopes Ellie doesn't see them and ask questions.

He moves in his sleep and rolls onto his side. With his shirt gone she has a perfect view of the tattoo on his chest, over his heart, that says "Isabelle". She smiles at that, the love this man has for his daughter is quite possibly one of her most favourite things about him.

She closes her eyes to her a little more sleep and then the door opens. She looks over to see Ellie walk in and Alice is thankful they had enough sense to put their clothes back on before they fell asleep last night.

"Allie?" Ellie whispers, tip-toeing over to her side of the bed. "Daddy's not on the couch."

"He's in here, honey." Alice tells her, helping her climb up onto the bed. "Good morning."

"Did you and daddy have a sleepover in the bed?" Ellie asks, looking curiously between the two adults.

"Uh... Yeah, I had a bad dream and your daddy slept in here with me to make me feel better and make sure no monsters got me."

"Daddy's the best at that." Ellie comments, snuggling up against Alice.

"He sure is." Alice agrees, pressing a kiss to the girl's head. "You want me to make you breakfast?"

"Yes, please! I'm a hungry girl!"

"Let's go, we'll let daddy sleep a little longer." Alice gets out of bed and scoops Ellie up into her arms. "What do you want for breakfast this morning?"

"Can I have the marshmallow cereal?" She asks.

"Sure you can." She sets her down in a chair and goes over to the cupboard.

Alice gets out two bowls and pours Lucky Charms out for her and Ellie. She brings the bowls over to the table and joins the little girl for breakfast. "You fell asleep during Sleeping Beauty last night." Alice tells her and the girl gasps.

"I did?" Alice nods. "Can we watch another movie tonight, Allie? Please? I promise I won't fall asleep!"

Alice laughs. "Yes we can, whatever you want to watch we'll watch."

"Lion King! Daddy likes that one."

"I like that one too."

"Me too but not the hyenas, they're mean."

"They are mean aren't they?"

The two of them talk and giggle as they eat breakfast and soon they hear footsteps coming out of the bedroom. FP runs a hand through his hair and greets the two of them. "Good morning." He smiles, staring over at Alice and making her blush.

"Morning, daddy!" Ellie greets him, standing up on her chair and puckering up her lips for a kiss.

"Morning, angel. How did you sleep?"

"Good. Allie said I fell asleep during Sleeping Beauty so she said we can watch another movie tonight!"

"What one are we watching tonight?"

"Lion King!" She excitedly announces.

"Oh that's my favourite!"

"I know that's why I picked it!"

"Well I can't wait." He tells her, walking over to the cupboard and pouring himself some cereal.

"Alice, how did you sleep last night?" He questions and her cheeks flush.

"Oh, fine, just fine." He turns and smiles at her.

"Allie said she had a bad dream but you made it all better!"

"Oh yeah, I had to come make sure the monsters didn't get her."

"Good thing you were there!" Ellie says.

Alice stands up to get a drink and FP watches her go, she's still wearing that t-shirt she wore last night but she has shorts on underneath it now. She still takes his breath away.

"Can I go play?" Ellie asks.

"Sure, baby. Maybe we can go to the park later?"

"Yay!" She squeals excitedly and runs over to Alice. "Allie, daddy said we can go to the park maybe today!"

"I know, I heard him. That'll be so much fun!"

Ellie runs off to her bedroom to play while Alice joins FP at the table again.

They sit in silence for a minute or so, neither of them knowing what to say. Alice breaks the awkward silence. "You know it doesn't have to be awkward between us, right? I don't want that. If it was just a one night thing we can keep it at that and not discuss it again."

"Just a one night thing? No, Al, that isn't what I want... is that what you want?"

"Well, no, but I don't want you to feel pressured to make this more than it has to be if you don't want to." She explains.

"You honestly think I'm just going to have sex with you and then forget it ever happened? I'm not like that, Alice. I wouldn't take advantage of you like that."

She smiles at that. "Well that's good because I didn't want this to just be a one time thing." She admits and he raises an eyebrow at her. "She just thinks we had a sleepover in your bedroom because I had a bad dream, so I plan on having lots and lots of bad dreams so we can have lots and lots of sleepovers." She smiles seductively at him and he can't help but blush which makes her laugh.

He takes her hand and gives it a light tug so she'll come closer. "I think I'm really going to enjoy these sleepovers." He comments as he leans in, catching her lips with his own and giving her a long, slow kiss.

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