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As she's trying to wake herself up fully she hears FP shuffling around in the kitchen. She stands up and walks over to the door, opening it and leaning against the doorframe until he notices her.

His eyes grow wide as he looks her up and down, seeing her in one of his flannels. "Well hello there gorgeous."

"Good morning." She smiles at him, toying with the buttons on the shirt. "Is Ellie still asleep?"

He nods and she smiles, curling her finger to gesture him over to her. He abandons the coffee pot and rushes over to her, gripping the backs of her thighs to lift her up and bringing her over to the bed.

She giggles as he drops her on the bed and watches as he shuts the bedroom door behind them before joining her on the bed and kissing her.

She hooks her leg around his hip and pulls him closer. His hand climbs up her thigh and under her shirt, stroking her warm skin with his thumb.

He groans when he slips his hand up higher and realizes she's not wearing a bra. She moans into his mouth as he palms her.

He moves his mouth to her neck, nipping and sucking at her porcelain skin. "Wait," She hesitantly stops him. "I think Ellie's up."

He pulls away from her and they both sit up as they listen closely. Sure enough Ellie's voice rings through the house. "Allie?"

"In the bedroom, sweetheart." She pecks a soft kiss to FP's lips. "We'll finish this later."

"Deal." The door opens and a fully dressed, albeit not very well, Ellie comes walking in.

"Allie! Get dressed we have to go buy daddy's present!" She scolds.

"Is that why you're all dressed and ready to go?" Ellie nods. "Well come here, your shirt is backwards." Alice fixes her shirt.

"Can we go now, Allie?"

"We should probably eat breakfast first, we don't want to have grumbling tummies while we're shopping."

"Ok," She plops herself down in FP's lap. "daddy can you make me toast?"

"Just toast?"

"And eggs?"

"Sure kiddo. You good with eggs and toast, Al?"

"Yeah definitely. I'll just get myself ready and then I can do her hair." She looks to Ellie. "Maybe we can drive daddy to work, what do you think?"

"Ok!" She hops off his lap and patiently waits for Alice to get changed while FP goes to start breakfast. "Allie can you do our hair matching?"

"Sure I can. What are you thinking?"


"My thoughts exactly." She grabs her hairbrush and combs through Ellie's hair, braiding it into a ponytail. She does the same with her own hair and Ellie smiles at her. "What do you think?"

"You look pretty, Allie!" Ellie wraps her arms around her. "Can you carry me out?"

Alice chuckles and better situates the little girl in her arms, carrying her out to the kitchen. "There's my girl's, just in time, I just finished breakfast." He places two plates down on the table and Alice walks over to him after setting Ellie down on a chair.

She wraps her arms around him and presses a kiss just behind his ear. "Breakfast smells good, babe." He smiles and turns to kiss her softly.


"Alright, what do you want to make your daddy?"

"I wanna make him a pretty picture frame for his work, he likes it when I draw him pictures."

"That sounds really nice, you can pick out what size you want to get." The two of them walk hand in hand to the picture frames and Ellie picks out one of the bigger ones, still small enough that FP can keep it on his desk.

"Now we need paint and glitter and stickers!"

"Alright, lets do it."

They get everything they need and then head home to work on the frame.

Ellie paints it pink, purple and blue and covers it in glitter and Disney princess stickers. Alice just helps in whatever way Ellie needs, otherwise just letting the girl have full creative control.

"How's it look Allie?" Ellie asks, holding up the frame for Alice's opinion.

"It looks great, honey. Daddy is going to love it."

"Can I draw him a card too?"

"Sure you can."

"Can you help me spell Allie? I wanna write daddy all the reasons why daddy is the best daddy in the whole wide world." Alice smiles at her and scoops her up onto her lap, pressing a kiss to her cheek. She is seriously the sweetest girl in the whole world.

"Ok, what do you want to write?" Ellie tells her everything she wants to write in the card and Alice tells her what letters to write down to spell the words.


"Do you think daddy will like my present and card, Allie?" Ellie asks as Alice tucks her into bed.

"I think he's going to love it." Alice presses a kiss to her forehead as FP walks into the room with a sippy cup in hand. He passes it to Ellie and gives her a kiss before flipping on her night light.

"Goodnight baby, I'll see you in the morning."

"Night night daddy, I love you."

"I love you too." He closes her bedroom door, leaving it only slightly open, and follows Alice into his bedroom.

He closes the door behind them and pulls his shirt off, stripping down to his boxers and grabbing a pair of pyjama pants from his dresser.

Alice changes into her own pyjamas before climbing into bed, enjoying the view of FP getting changed in front of her.

"Like what you see, Al?" He teases, slipping into bed beside her.

"Always yes." She gives him a kiss and straddles his waist, his hands coming to rest on her hips, giving her a light squeeze. "Now, I did say we would continue later and it's later, so what do you say Jonesy?"

He grins at her and flips them over so she's on her back. "I say," he kisses her softly. "Hell yeah." She laughs but it's quickly followed by a moan as his mouth captures hers in a hungry kiss.

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