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"You have fun at daycare, princess?" FP asks as he and Ellie walk hand in hand to his truck.

"I always have fun at daycare, daddy! We painteded pictures!"

"You painteded pictures?" He chuckles and lifts her up into the truck. "That must have been fun." She nods. "What did you paint?"

"I drew a flower, duh!" She answers, as if it's he most obvious thing ever. "I think tomorrow I'm going to draw a donut since those are my favouritest food!"

"I thought pancakes were your favourite?" He finishes buckling her into her car seat and gets into the truck himself.

"I do love pancakes, daddy. But donuts are my favourite junky food!" She explains.

"Ah, I get it now."

"Can we go get donuts?"

"I was thinking Pop's and then we could go see uncle Freddy and aunt Hermie, does that sound good?"

"I want milkshakes!"

He smiles. "I'll take that as a yes then."

He picks up some Pop's takeout and heads over to the Andrews' household.

"Can I carry the milkshakes, daddy?"

"Why don't you take the bag instead, the milkshakes are a little heavy and we don't want to spill them."

"You're right! Okay, give me the bag!" He hands her the lighter of the two takeout bags and she skips towards the front door, knocking on it. "Hi aunt Hermie!" She excitedly squeals when Hermione opens the door.

"Hey there cutie, come here!" She lifts the girl up into her arms and plants kisses all over her cheeks.

"Is that Ellie-belly I hear?"

"Hi uncle Freddie!" She reaches for him, abandoning the takeout bag with Hermione.

"Hey you," she greets FP, pecking a friendly kiss on his cheek as they walk into the kitchen. "You didn't have to bring food with you."

"Kiddo wanted milkshakes, thought we could bring you two something."

"Daddy can I have my milkshake?" Ellie questions, tugging on his hand.

"Sure baby, but make sure you eat your food too."

"I will, daddy!"

"What did you get kid?" Fred asks her.

"Chicken nuggets! I gots you and Hermie too!"

"You did? Well that's so nice of you!"

"I know, it's because you and aunt Hermie are my bestest friends!" She smiles proudly.

FP hands her the takeout bag and she walks towards the dining room with it. "I got your usual orders too in case the nuggets don't fill you." He tells the other two adults as they make their way into the dining room as well.


"Daddy said you and him were spending the day together yesterday." Ellie nods excitedly. "What did you two do?"

"It was the bestest day! We made pancakes and we went to the park and we played with Allie!"

FP eyes grow wide at the mention of the woman they met at the park. "Who's Allie, kiddo?" Fred questions.

"I hurted my knee yesterday because I falled and Allie put a band aid on it so it wouldn't hurt anymore! Then we went and got donuts!" She explains. "Well, daddy and Allie got the gross bug people drinks that I can't have but I got a donut!"

"Well that's pretty cool." Fred smiles at her before turning to FP. "Who's Allie exactly? You've never mentioned an Allie."

"I got a call from the lawyer yesterday while we were at the park and I guess she went running for a ball and tripped. And this woman was passing by, saw her fall and fixed up her knee. I think Ellie got a little attached." FP explains.

"Was she pretty?" Hermione asks.


"What? It's a question!"


"She's really pretty!" Ellie answers. "She's got the pretty gold hair that makes her look like Cinderella!"

"And you've got the pretty brown hair that makes you look like Belle." FP points out, bopping her on the nose and making her giggle. "But yeah, I mean she is pretty. She's just... she's got a boyfriend."

Fred and Hermione share a look. "I'm assuming this wasn't something she just randomly dropped in the middle of the conversation, so I'm guessing you asked her out." Hermione smiles as FP blushes.

"I may have asked her to do dinner sometime."

"Well I like her." Fred announces.

"You've never even met her." FP points out with a chuckle.

"But she's good to Ellie-belly, that makes her alright in my books. Gladys was never very great with her, you were always the better parent, still are."

"I just want what's best for her," FP looks to Ellie who grins back at him. "I don't want to start dating someone, have her get attached and then we break up and she's heartbroken. I can't see her like that again." Ellie climbs onto his lap and snuggles up to him as she drinks her milkshake. "I mean, Gladys leaving broke her heart... I can't put her through that again."

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