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"What aisle would they be in?" FP questions as he and Alice walk into the store.

"I'm not sure, I've never had to buy one. I think I saw them when I was buying tampons, let's try that aisle."

He nods and gives her hand a squeeze when she grabs his tightly. "It's alright, Al. Things will be just fine."

"I know, I'm just... nervous."

He understands and curls his arm around her, kissing the side of her head.

They find the aisle they were looking for and search the shelves for pregnancy tests. "Geez, I didn't know there were so many kinds of tests."

"Neither did I. I don't know what one to buy."

"Clearblue?" FP suggests, picking up the box. "I've seen commercials for them a lot, probably a good one."

"That sounds fine to me. Let's just get out of here."

He chuckles. "No one's going to care, baby. It's not like you're 14 and buying a test, it's not a big deal."

"I know, still it's weird though. Like the cashier will know that we had sex, that's weird!"

He laughs and pulls her into a hug. "Honey, they're not going to care, they're just doing their job." He presses a series of kisses to the top of her head. "Would it help if we bought some groceries as well so we're not just buying the test?" She nods into his chest. "Okay, babe. We can do that."


"See, wasn't so bad." FP says once they're back in the vehicle.

"I guess not. Still though, I feel like it was practically written across my forehead." She sighs. "It's weird buying pregnancy tests, I don't like people knowing such personal details about my life."

He smiles. "It's not like you flat out told them were sexually active and need to take a pregnancy test. They probably didn't even entirely register the fact that it was a pregnancy test."

She nods and places her hand on his thigh, running her fingertips up and down it. "I'm sorry, it's just easier to dwell on people's thoughts then the result of the test."

"I'm with you every step of the way, no matter what that result is. I promise, Al."

"I know," she cups his face in her hands and pulls him into a kiss. "Thank you."

"Of course." He kisses her again. "Now, lets go pick up the munchkin."


"Did you have fun with Aunt Hermie and Uncle Freddie today?" FP asks Ellie as he gives her a bath.

"I always have fun with them. They're my favourite big people besides you and Allie." Ellie answers, pushing around the little rubber duck in her bath water, as FP washes her hair.

He smiles. "What'd you guys do?"

"We played barbies and Candyland. Uncle Fred isn't very good at Candyland."

"We have that in common," he chuckles. "Close your eyes." He rinses the shampoo out of her hair and grabs her towel off the counter. "Alright, you ready to get out?"

"Yeah, I'm sleepy."

"Must be tired out from beating Uncle Fred at Candyland." He wraps her up in her towel and carries her off to her room to get her into her pyjamas.

"He lost every time! Even when I was trying to lose so he could win, I think I'm just too good at it, I can't lose."

He laughs. "Nice of you to try though, El."

He gets her changed and she heads out to the living room in search of Alice, while he gets her milk. She spots her on the couch and crawls up onto her lap. "Can you braid my hair, Allie?"

"Of course I can." She takes the hairbrush from her and combs gently through the tangles.

FP smiles at them from the kitchen. Alice is so good to Ellie, better then Gladys ever was. Not that the woman was ever outright mean to her but she wasn't as involved, she was never too keen on just sitting down and watching princess movies with the little girl, whereas Alice encourages it, actually enjoys it. There's so many differences between Alice and Gladys, especially in how they treat him and Ellie and he wishes he had met Alice long ago.

Though he would never trade in his time with Gladys, things may not have ended well but the time they spent together was actually pretty good. And he got Ellie out of it, and he wouldn't trade her for the world.

But then there's Alice, who's just everything he's ever wanted. Smart, funny, kind, loving, and so much more, and she's gorgeous on top of it all. He really thinks he's falling in love with her, wants to tell her but doesn't want to scare her away even if he thinks she feels the same way for him.

"Here's your milk, honey." FP hands the sippy cup to Ellie just as Alice finishes the braid.

"All done." She tells her, fastening the braid with an elastic.

"Thanks, Allie!" She turns around and gives her a tight hug. "Night night."

"Goodnight, honey." FP lifts Ellie up and she lays her head on his shoulder, looking more than ready to fall asleep. "I'll be in the bathroom." Alice informs him.

He tucks Ellie in and makes sure she's settled before he heads to the bathroom to see Alice. He knocks softly and she opens the door, letting him in and wrapping her arms around him.

Part of her is hoping that the test is positive, the idea of a baby coming into the world, half her and half FP is something so perfect to her. She knows she wants that with him eventually and he wants it too, has told her so.

They wait very impatiently for the timer she set to go off, both just watching the test and waiting for the answer that could possible change their lives.

Finally, after what feels like hours of waiting, the timer goes off. "Well, here we go." She reaches for the test and holds it in her hand. They both brace themselves as she turns it over.

Not Pregnant

She's partly relieved but she's partly disappointed, FP's in the same boat. He presses a kiss to her head and she leans against him.

"I'm sorry for getting us both so worked up, it turned out to be nothing."

"No, Al, don't apologize. It's a legitimate concern, we very well could've been pregnant. Maybe it's for the better," she raises an eyebrow at him. "I'd much rather our baby be one that we planned to have, not that I wouldn't love them if we didn't plan it, but I just... I want a life with you, I want to have a family with you and I want it to be at a time when we're both completely confident and wanting a child."

She smiles at him and pulls him into a long, slow kiss. She deepens the kiss when she bites at his bottom lip, giving her the access to slip her tongue in his mouth. He chuckles. "We just took a pregnancy test and you're wanting to go do what got us in this predicament?" He catches her lips again and she grins.

"I can't help it, you're too damn attractive and you say the sweetest things. You're irresistible, I swear." She kisses him again and she lifts her up, carrying her off to his bedroom as she leaves little love bites on his neck.

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