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It's currently 2am in Los Angelos which means that it's 9pm in Australia. So why the hell am I wide awake? I could go to sleep and wake up and it would be 8 here and 3am there so I should just go to sleep because they aren't going to get back to me at 3 in the morning.

I sighed and rolled over, looking at Grayson sleeping peacefully. I reached over to where I left my headphones and put them in so I could watch Netflix without bothering him because there was no way in hell that I was going to sleep. Halfway into my episode of queer eye, Grayson shifted in his sleep. I turned to look at him and he was staring back at me, his hazel eyes glossed over from just waking up.

"What are you doing still awake?" I asked, his voice very deep and manly, I was a little shocked to be honest.

"My minds doing that thing again where it doesn't want to shut off." I said, pausing my phone and locking it.

"Do you need to talk about it?" He asked, propping himself up on his elbow.

"No, I'm just afraid that they aren't going to message backs and that I'll have gotten my hopes up for nothing." I said.

"H, they wouldn't have told you to contact them if they didn't want to work with you." He said, putting his free hand on my thigh comfortingly. "They were probably just out of the office for the day by the time you messaged them."

"I guess you're right." I said, not being able to focus on anything but his hand on my leg. "But the waiting is driving me insane."

"If you go to sleep, the waiting will be less."

"I know that. But my brain doesn't." I said, plugging my phone back on the charger. I shifted in the bed so I was laying down instead of propped up against the headboard, Grayson's hand still not moving from my thigh.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" He asked, his eyes slowly closing again, him barely able to stay awake.

"Just go back to sleep, I'm right behind you." I said. He nodded and was soon back to a deep sleep. I closed my eyes and let my body relax, finally able to fall asleep.

I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing. I reached my hand over to grab it off the charger without waking up Grayson, who was currently using my abdomen as a pillow, while using my leg as a teddy bear. I smiled at him quickly before reading my phone, hoping it was the DM I was waiting for. It wasn't it.

Kitty girls

Jay 💄:
Alright spill the tea sis

Wifey 💕:
And we have receipts
so don't leave any
deets out.

Ummm, what are you
talking about?

Did you or did you
not sleep with Grayson
last night 🧐

Well yeah.
I don't see what
the big deal is

Not a big deal?
I knew you liked him.

Wait?? You like Grayson?
Why didn't you tell me?
I feel betrayed

How does sleeping in
Grayson room because
I didn't want to sleep on the
couch spell out 'i like him' 🤨

Jay 💄

I think she meant
she actually slept with him.
Not 'slept with' him.

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