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"It was just a little joke Haley, chill. I didn't mean anything by it." James said, trying to stop me from walking out of his room. We'd been arguing for thirty minutes now and I just wanted to get out and leave.

"I don't care if you didn't mean anything about it
James, it's the fact that you did it that hurts." I yelled, yanking my hand back from him. "Just let me leave okay? I can't do this right now."

"No we need to talk about this." He said, following me down the stairs. "I don't understand why you're so upset."

I turned around on the landing between the two sets of stairs and looked at him.

"You don't understand why I'm upset?" I asked. "You posted a video of you lip-syncing break up with your girlfriend, I'm bored all over the Internet, which was all fine and dandy. But then everyone kept tagging Grayson in it and you didn't deny it or anything. And to make matters worse, you liked and retweeted some of them. It just pisses me off, okay?" I said, using every ounce of energy in my body to stay where I was at instead of going back on the stairs and strangling him.

"If it means that much to you I can delete-"

"It's too late now James!" I sighed and pinched my nose. "Just- I'm leaving." I threw my hands up and ran the rest of the way down the stairs. I grabbed my keys off the hook beside the entrance and slammed the door before running to my car. I stopped when I realized that James paid for this car and I internally screamed, grabbing on to the top of it and kicking the tire repeatedly.

I backed away and put my headphones in, running down the driveway and taking a left. I needed to clear my head anyway. I was about halfway to where I wanted to go when I started seeing spots, but I kept running anyway. The one day I want to run away from home is the one day this week that its been over 60° outside.

As I got closer to the twins house I pulled my phone out and called Grayson.

"Open your front door and turn the kitchen sink on." I said, nearly out of breath.
"Why do you sound like you're dying?"
"I've been running for like an hour." I said, turning onto their driveway.
"You've what?"
"Just open the door and turn the sink on. Bye." I hung up the phone and took my earphones out, shoving all of it in my pocket.

I got to the front door right as Grayson was opening it and I ran past him, right into the kitchen. I stuck my head under the sink, drinking a least a litter of water, not even bothering to get an actual cup. I reached up and turned the water off before taking off my hoodie and drying my face with it.

"What on earth is happening?" Grayson asked, walking into the kitchen.

"I'm going to go use your shower." I said, walking past him out of the kitchen. However, he grabbed my by my waist and pulled me back.

"What happened?" He asked, concern laced on his face.

"I just felt like running." I shrugged.

"Which I know is a lie because you don't run." He said, grabbing my face gently and making me look him the eyes. "What happened?"

"Look, I don't want to talk about it. Can I just take a shower please?" I begged. He sighed and dropped his hands from my face, backing away so I could go.

I walked into Grayson's room and dug through the pile of my stuff in the bottom of his closet, that I've left here because I'm always forgetting something when I leave, and found underwear to put on after I got out of the shower. I grabbed one of his hoodies and walked into the bathroom, turning on the shower and getting undressed.

I thought taking a shower would relieve some of the tension in my entire body from not only being angry but also from running a freaking marathon, but it didn't. I'm still tense just not sweaty anymore. I threw my towel on the ground and drying up the water before picking it, and my dirty clothes up and putting them in Grayson's hamper.

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