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HalesLottie: you like my hair? Gee thanks, just washed it 💕

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HalesLottie: you like my hair? Gee thanks, just washed it 💕

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Jamescharles: how long did it take for you to come up with that caption?

User4: we stan a clean queen 👑

User8: okay but who is she sticking her tongue out at?? 🍵
-HalesLottie: ya girl was looking at her idea notebook 🤷🏽‍♀️

_emmachamberlain: I wish I looked that good after the shower 😭

"All of these ideas are so f-ing stupid." I groaned, throwing my notebook on the ground. I have been sitting here for two hours trying to come up with an idea for this weeks videos and I've literally hit the bottom of the barrel because I like none of them.

"Are you sure you don't want help?" James asked, knocking on my door, probably hearing me yell in frustration moments ago. He bent down and picked up my notebook and read over the ideas. "Some of these aren't so bad."

He laid it back down on the bed and I grabbed it again.

"Oh yeah, these are fantastic. 'No talking for 24 hours' would literally be like watching paint dry." I said, throwing the notebook back towards the end of my bed.

"Why don't you do the lie detector video? That's simple enough but also interesting." He said, reading over the list again.

"I guess that's a good idea. Thank you Jay." I said smiling.

"Any time." He smiled. "Do you want to go get food?" He asked, sitting on the side of my bed.

"I think Gray's coming over." I said looking at my phone to see if I had a message or anything from anyone.

"Speaking of, you have tea to spill sis. You guys have been officially dating for like two weeks now and you haven't told us anything about it." He said, crossing his arms.

"There's not really much to tell." I said scratching my arm. "It's kind of really just the same as things were before, we just have a label on it now." I explained.

"Yeah, but now you get to kiss him whenever you like." He said, wiggling his eyebrows. I looked at him and bit my lip. He stopped wiggling his eyebrows and furrowed the together. "You Have kissed, haven't you?"

"No bu-"

"How are we related? I would have already slep-"

"Watch it." I warned, not wanting to hear about the things my cousin would do to my boyfriend. "And I haven't really kissed someone befor-"

"Wait," he said, looking at me confused. "How have you never kissed anyone before? You're literally almost 20."

"I was extremely depressed all through school, if you would remember. No one wanted to date, let alone kiss, the depressed chick." I said, laying back and covering my face with one of my pillows.

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