53 (but for real this time)

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HalesLottie: Hey guys guess what? There's a new cover up on my channel, you should go check it out

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HalesLottie: Hey guys guess what? There's a new cover up on my channel, you should go check it out. It's teenage dirtbag by wheetus cause this is the last month I can sing it. Alright now back to your regularly scheduled programming. Happy Wednesday 💕

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User1: best cover yet!

Jamescharles: oh my gosh. We do turn 20 this month. Literally how?

User2: when are we getting more original music???

Mamawilliams: I can't believe my baby isn't going to be a teenager any more 😭😭

I walked outside where Ethan was lounging in hopes that I could bribe him into telling me what Grayson's been up to.

"Hey E." I said, sitting on the chair beside him and putting the pizza box on the chair beside me.

"I'm not telling you anything Haley." He said, not even opening his eyes.

"What makes you think I was going to ask you for something. Maybe I just wanted to hang out."

"Because you haven't wanted to hang out since you started dating Grayson. Why would you want to start now?" Okay, wow. I came out here for information and now I'm feeling attacked.

"And maybe I realized that and wanted to make up for it." I said, actually feeling bad because I really haven't spent time with Ethan in while. "I have a dairy free pineapple pizza."

He opened his eyes and turned to look at me.

"Were you going to bribe me with pizza?" He asked.

"Wha-? No?" I said, trying to lie but I can't do it when someone is looking me right in the face. 

"You know, if I knew you could swim, I would throw you in the pool for that." He said, taking the box from me and grabbing a slice.

"Wow, so thoughtful." I said, laying back against the chair and pulling my sunglasses up on my head so I wouldn't have a weird imprint on my face.

"But I'm still not going to tell you what's going on." He said, with a mouthful of pizza.

"Is he cheating on me? That's all I want to know."

"My brother has been obsessed with you since we met and for a few months, you were the only thing that he would talk about. If he does cheat on you, I'll be the first to call him out on his bullshit."

"You could be lying to me though. Why would you pick my side over his? You guys shared a womb."

"Trust me. He's not cheating on you."

"If you say so." I sighed. "So what's going on with you? Anything new?"

"Umm not really." He said, taking another bit of pizza. "I think I'm finally over Ally though."

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