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"I couldn't get it all off but I used all of his hot water so I had to get out." Grayson said walking into my room, drying his hair off with a towel.

"It looks like you have two sleeve tattoos." Emma said, looking up from her phone.

"Not going to lie, it's kinda hot." I said biting my lip.

"Well that's my cue to go." Ally said, getting up off my bed. I rolled my eyes at her as I watched her leave my room.

"I think I'm going to go too." Emma said, locking her phone and getting up off the bed.

"Go keep Ethan company or something." I sighed, scooting down in my bed and laying down.

"Not happening." She called, walking out of the room.

"She'll come around." I mumbled, patting my now empty bed for Grayson to come lay down.

"Why are you so adamant to get Ethan to date someone?" Grayson asked, laying down beside me. I shifted to where I was laying on his chest before answering.

"Because I'm selfish and want you all to myself." I said, tracing up and down his arm with my fingers.

"It's really hard to argue with that logic." He said, lightly laughing. We laid in silence for a while, it was a comfortable silence though.

"Have you talked to James yet?" Grayson asked, rubbing his hands through obj lmy hair.

"No, he's been busy." I sighed.

"Do we think he has a boyfriend?"

"We don't want to assume anyone's relationship status but yes we think he may have a boyfriend." I said sitting up and grabbing my phone.

"What are you doing?" Grayson asked, watching me.

"Texting him and asking him when he's going to be home?"

However, I was interrupted by my mom calling my before I could send the text.

"Hello?" I asked.
"Hey love, how are you?" She said, sounding cheery.
"I'm doing better. My legs don't hurt as much."
"That's good. You've really got to be more careful."
"I know." I said, rolling my eyes.
"I just wanted to call you to see if you booked your flight yet?"
"What flight?" I asked, sitting completely up and scrunching my face together.
"Your fathers 50th birthday party next weekend. You're flying back home. Any of this ringing a bell?"

I hit my head with the palm of my hand and sighed.

"Shit I completely forgot about that." I said, getting up and walking over to my desk, waking up my computer.
"Watch you language."
"Sorry." I said, logging on to the internet and looking for flights. "I think I'm going to take this one. It would get in Thursday at 11:45 at night."
"Alright, that works." She said. "I love you. I'll see you when you get here."

I hung up the phone and checked my bank account before laying my phone on my desk. I sighed, and opened a new tab, looking online to try and find ideas for a birthday present.

"What are you doing?" Grayson asked.

"Buying a plane ticket." I said, biting my thumb and leaning toward on the desk, trying to decide which flight I wanted to spend my money on.

"Where are you going?" He asked. I could hear him shuffling and getting off my bed. He came up behind my and wrapped his arms around my shoulders, resting his chin on my head.

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