Chapter 3

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Sky: "Hey. I was paged." she says coming into a room where Izzie is standing in front of an x-ray where a pair of keys is in between a pair of lungs
Izzie: "Guy swallowed his girlfriend's keys. He apparently didn't want her to leave him." she says as Sky huffs out at the information before turning her head to see Izzie glaring at the screen slightly
Sky: "You know him or something?" she asks as Izzie turns to look at her in confusion "You're glaring at the screen like these keys are yours."
Izzie: "It's nothing. It's know Dr. Shepherd very well don't you."
Sky: "Yeah I do. Why?"
Izzie: "Does he have like a thing of sleeping with his coworkers?"
Sky: "What do you mean?" she asks looking at her confused
Izzie: "Nothing. Just caught him sneaking out of my roommate's bed this morning." she says muttering out the last part
Sky: "And your roommate is...?"
Izzie: "Meredith."
Sky: "The intern? The other blonde one?"
Izzie: "Yep." she says pursing her lips as Sky thinks about the information she just received before looking back at the x-ray
Sky: "l assume the lady needs her keys to leave this guy's sorry ass behind."
Izzie: "Yeah."
Sky: "Well, help her out."
Izzie: "He needs a bronchoscopy." she says taking the x-ray down and following the woman out of the room
Sky: "See one, do one, teach one. Have you seen one?"
Izzie: "Yes I have."
Sky: "Well now it's time to do one."
Izzie: "Alone? Seriously? Thanks. l mean, the vote of confidence in my skills and all. l didn't think anyone was noticing how hard-"
Sky: "lzzie?" she says stopping the woman's rambling "Go."
Izzie: "Yeah." she says as the two go their separate ways

Bailey: "Handle with care. This thing's-" she says as Sky watches the surgery from the side of the O.R.
Meredith: "Full of gunk. l know."
Bailey: "We need to free the bowel from the adhesions caused from the abscess."
Sky: "This poor girl. What was she thinking?"
Meredith: "She wants her mother's approval. She wanted to please her."
Bailey: "And this damage is the result? Here, resect that."
Meredith: "Needle-tip Bovie, please."
Bailey: "When you're done here, you have postops waiting."
Meredith: "l know, Dr. Bailey."
Bailey: "Cristina's got the flu. You need to pick up the slack."
Meredith: "Look, l'll mop the floors, ok? Sorry, that was inappropriate."
Bailey: "lt's not the only thing that's inappropriate" she says as Sky gives Meredith a look from behind her "While were on the subject. You care to tell me what you think you're doing?"
Meredith: "l'll jump through hoops if you want me to. But what I do when I leave this hospital is my business."
Bailey: "Half this hospital knows your business. Flu isn't the only virus spreading around here."
Meredith: "l made a choice, and l know you don't respect me for that choice. But l'll live with the consequences."
Bailey: "Then l'll have lots of hoops for you to jump through."
Meredith: "l've done everything you've asked me to do. l may not do it your way, but it gets done. So whatever else you got, bring it on." she says just as something bursts and gunk explodes onto her
Crowd: "Ew!" they say from the gallery as they laugh at the girl
Bailey: "Ok, Dr. Grey, now that you've drained the organ, we can attempt to repair it."
Meredith: "Now my day is perfect."

 Sky: "Oh hey

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Sky: "Oh hey." she says when she reaches the elevator just before it closes to see Derek already in it
Derek: "Hey. How's your day been?"
Sky: "Pretty simple. Had a bunch of paperwork needed to fill out."
Derek: "Find a place to stay yet?"
Sky: "On my list of things to do."
Derek: "You know you could always stay at mine if you don't want to keep paying for the hotel."
Sky: "You mean your trailer in the middle of the woods? No thank you" she says making him chuckle "I heard there was a problem in your surgery with Dr. Taylor. What happened?"
Derek: "Drunk on the job. Almost had the patient wake up on the table."
Sky: "No way are you serious?" she asks with wide eyes as he nods his head and they step off the elevator together and walk down the hall "So..." she says after a moment of silence "Meredith Grey?"
Derek: "You know? Who told you?"
Sky: "Well Izzie Stevens at first and then by the time lunch came around it was all anybody was whispering about" she says as he nods his head and she turns to face him making the two of them stop "What are you doing with her?"
Derek: "I like her. Like really like her."
Sky: "Does she know?"
Derek: "Know what?"
Sky: "That you are a married man." she whispers to him making sure nobody is listening in to their conversation
Derek: "It's more like separated."
Sky: "So she doesn't know." she says scoffing at him
Derek: "It's not a big deal" he says making her give him a stern look "I'll tell her."
Sky: "Before or after she falls in love with you and you end up breaking her heart?" she says walking away from him leaving him to think about what she said

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