Chapter 5

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Sky: "Seattle's annual chainsaw pumpkin carving contest. God I love this city. It's like the idiot capital of the world." she says looking at a flyer as she walks along the halls with Derek

Derek: "I bet you do. You're cheery today. Why?"

Sky: "What's not to be happy about? There are going to be many traumas today which is my favorite type of days" she says as he gives her a look making her sigh out "And I also got laid last night and this morning so..."

Derek: "There it is." he says in a teasing tone as she rolls her eyes at him

Sky: "Leave me alone." she walks away from him as he chuckles and follows after her


James: "Are you the doctor?" he asks when Bailey comes into the clinic

Bailey: "Oh, I am."

James: "Good. That's...that's good."

Bailey: "Is your leg hurting you?" she asks after watching him stop his foot onto the ground repeatedly

James: "It''s not the leg. It's the foot. And...and it's not hurting so much as... as it's not mine" he says making her look up at him in confusion "Something happened. I...I can't explain it. But this...this foot does not belong to me.' feels like it's a corpse foot."

Bailey: "Oh, did you lose feeling in the foot? Is it numb?"

James: "No, it''s not numb. It's's not mine" he says as she looks at him like he's crazy while stuttering trying to figure out what to say "Please, I'm...I'm not crazy. I...I work at a bank. I'm not crazy. Please. I just...I...I need a surgeon. I need you to get me a surgeon who will remove it."

Bailey: "A surgeon who will remove your foot? A surgeon who will amputate your seemingly healthy foot?" she asks as he nods his head and stomps his foot once more

Derek: "Want to make your day even better?" he asks when he sees Sky walking down the halls and comes up and wraps his arm around her

Sky: "What do you mean?"

Derek: "See that kid over there?" he asks pointing to a boy standing a little behind them and when he sees them looking at him he waves at them "His name is Ryan."

Mark: "Good morning." he says coming over to a nurses desk and handing Olivia the chart in his hand

Olivia: "Don't do that. Don't smile at me."

Jolene: "Don't smile at her. Don't smile at me, either." she says making him look at them in confusion

Olivia: "We're on to you."

Jolene: "We've compared notes."

Mark: "Compared notes? Really?"

Jolene: "Mm-hmm."

Olivia: "Compared notes, compared pickup lines compared techniques."

Mark: "Techniques?"

Jolene and Olivia: "Identical."

Mark: "Identical?"

Olivia: "We formed a club. Nurses unite against Mark Sloan."

Mark: "Are there any, uh, club activities?" he asks as they glare at him before walking away and Sky comes over to him "Oh, man. You would not believe what just happened to me."

Sky: "There's a, uh, kid looking for you."

Mark: "What?"

Ryan: "Daddy?" he says coming from behind her

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