Chapter 13

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Callie: "Knock knock" she comes into Mark's apartment wearing pajamas and sees him folding up a blanket "How'd it go?" she asks as he just shrugs his shoulders "You didn't tell her?"

Mark: "I did. I told her."

Callie: "And? How'd she take it?"

Mark: "Well she yelled some and then she locked herself in the room all night."

Callie: "Oh man."

Mark: "Yeah. She hasn't come out there since she went in. And I don't know if I should be more worried about what she thinks about the baby or the fact that I haven't heard a single sound come from that room."

Callie: "Well maybe she just needed time to process it. At least she didn't leave."

Mark: "I expected to hear glass breaking. That would make me feel better" he sighs and the bedroom door opens and he perks up when Sky comes out of it mumbling things to herself "Hey."

Callie: "Morning." she smiles awkwardly at her as Sky keeps mumbling to herself

Mark: "There's breakfast and coffee on the table if you want some." he says and she grabs a coffee mug and pours some coffee inside of it before taking a piece of toast off the table and grabs her bag before walking past them and slams the front door

Callie: "At least she came out the room." she tries to assure him and he sighs

Mark: "I need to take a shower."

Callie: "Okay." she pats him on the back as he walks past her to go into the room and she goes back across the hall to get dressed

Callie: "What is it?" she asks disgusted 

Arizona: "It's a kale and apple juice smoothie. It's time to think less about your cravings and more about filling that baby with nutrients, which that has."

Callie: "It also has chunks. I don't drink chunks. I want my coffee" she says and the door opens and Mark comes inside "Mark, tell the woman. I'm allowed to drink one cup of regular coffee."

Mark: "Sure you are."

Arizona: "Oh, w-wait, Mark. Are you aware that there are studies that link caffeine with preterm labor, low birth weight, other birth defects?"

Mark: "That goo looks great. I say you stick with the goo."

Callie: "Okay, you two can't just dictate what I'm allowed to eat and drink."

Arizona: "Nobody's dictating anything. But you're pregnant now, so things have to be different. You're gonna have to eat better and take it easier at work. And well, if it helps, we'll give up caffeine, too." she says as Mark shrugs 

Callie: "That helps no one."

Mark: "Well, how about we put it to a vote? All in favor of Callie drinking coffee, raise your hand" Callis raises her hand "All in favor of the goo." Arizona raises her hand excitedly along with Mark 

Arizona: "Goo it is." Callie takes a sip of the drink and tries not to throw it up as she swallows it

Derek: "Good morning." he smiles at Sky when she comes into the hospital

Sky: "Whatever." she grumbles

Derek: "Gonna go out on a limb and guess that Mark told you about the baby."

Sky: "Did you know?"

Derek: "He wanted my advice on how to tell you."

Sky: "Oh of course he did."

Derek: "How you taking it?"

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