Chapter 21

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Bailey: "Huh, reaction, observation, communication, any questions so far?" she turns and sees everybody's hands raised "We are doing this because chief Shepherd suggests we brush up on our patient sensitivity skills, that's why. And it just so happens, this morning was a very good time, besides, half of you were raised by wolves. Reaction" she scribbles the word on the board "Keep your face impassive. Whether prompted by a patient's appearance or lab results, facial expressions of surprise, concern, disgust, etcetera can be counterproductive." Uh, la la la la la...jokes. Don't make jokes about patients, not in front of them, not even in private."

Cristina: "Well..."

Bailey: "Yang?"

Cristina: "What if the joke is really funny?"

Bailey: "It's not. Neither was that one. Moving on."

Sky: "We assess quickly in the ER and go to radiology."

Derek: "What if he has to be admitted? Can we get to the surgical elevator?"

Sky: "What about the freight elevator?"

Derek: "Sky, are we set up for this? I mean, our we have enough? I don't know. Is our equipment gonna be strong enough?"

Sky: "Uh-huh. You don't get to have second thoughts now. The time for second thoughts is over with. Plus they'll be here in five minutes so...we'll have to figure it out as we go" she says as they walk past a desk and Derek turns to see a man glare at him "Who's that?"

Derek: "Gary Clark. He's filed a wrongful death suit in his wife's case. I'm being deposed today."

Woman: "Chief Shepherd. Hi."

Derek: "Yeah, hi. Whatever you're selling, just leave the samples in my office. Thank you."

Woman: "I'm not a drug rep. I'm your lawyer. Lauren Turner."

Sky: "Go. Don't worry. I got this."

Derek: "Okay. Thank you. Dr. Shepherd, Lauren. Let's...follow me, please."

Bailey: "Observation. Yeah" her pager beeps and she looks at it before waving it off "Ah. Okay, "use reflective listening, repeat the patient's feelings back to them." "Um, I hear that you're concerned about the surgery. Let me explain the risks."

Alex "I can see you like vegetables. After surgery, you might become one."

Bailey: "Communication. Uh, "don't use jargon. Use language that the patient can understand. Be creative in using metaphors."

Charles: "Oh, I'm terrible with metaphors. I can never come up with 'em."

Cristina: "Why, 'cause you're dumb as a box of hammers?"

Charles: "You see, that's a good one. You're an ass, but that was a good one."

Bailey: "Be clear and comprehensive. Explain all risks and all probable outcomes, leaving nothing out." Question...Adamson?"

Reed: "Why are you going so fast?"

Bailey: "It just so happens that we have an emergent patient arriving who will need a little extra sensitivity. So remember to employ your...R-O-C, and you will...hmm ... rock your patient's world. Okay, that's enough of that. Follow me to the pit. Hustle!" she makes them chuckle before they head out the room to the ambulance bay where an ambualnce and another truck arrives

Bailey: "All right, people, remember what you've been taught. Use it throughout the day. There'll be consequences if you don't."

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