Chapter 7

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Cristina and Meredith: "Hey!" they yell out and sit up from their spot laying on the grass when a ball lands in between them

Meredith: "That coulda hit us."

Owen: "Karev, throw the ball!" he calls out after Alex runs over and grabs the ball but stops to talk to the two women "Okay, okay, okay, okay."

Arizona: "Aah!" she jumps back when Mark catches the ball and then throws it to her

Derek: "Come on!"

Owen: "Robbins, don't be afraid of it."

Arizona: "Wait. I...oh! Well, it flew at my head."

Sky: "Not bad. Not bad." she comes to stand beside Mark who smirks at her

Mark: "You like that?"

Sky: "I said not bad. Don't get ahead of yourself."

Mark: "Uh-huh." he hums before pulling her into a kiss

Derek: "Sloan. Hey, Sloan."

Mark: "Yo!" he calls back still kissing Sky

Derek: "Focus."

Derek: "Hello?"

Mark: "Okay." he waves them off as he continues to kiss Sky who laughs against his mouth

Teddy: "Have they always been like that?" she scrunches her face up at the couple standing at the base

Arizona: "They're getting more and more affectionate as the days go by. They've now made it hard across from them."

Callie: "Pretty sure they've had to replace their headboard at least three times by now." she jokes with an amused smirk as Lexie stretches as she looks over at the couple

Richard: "All right, nice throw, Robbins. That's the way."

Callie: "Hey, Webber, why don't you come down here and show us how it's done?"

Richard: "Uh, let me finish the chapter. I need my energy for the game. In my experience, we'll need it."

Callie: "Mm-hmm." she hums giving him a disbelieving look

Derek: "Who's up?" he asks as Lexie walks over to the plate

Teddy: "Hey, Hunt."

Derek: "All right, come on in."

Teddy: "When are you gonna let me pitch? I'm a really good pitcher."

Owen: "Uh, we're fine. Shepherd throws an unbeatable screwball, all right? Now...little Grey, Let's go."

Man: "Go, Lexie!"

Owen: "Drop the bat. Go, go. Run to third. Don't stop. All right. Come on, everyone. Look alive. Yang, Grey, could at least stand up."

Cristina: "Hi, honey." she waves over at him as Meredith laughs

Derek: "Hunt, I gotta go." he says when his pager beeps and he pulls Owen from his coversation with the chief of Seattle Pres

Owen: "What?"

Derek: "Lexie."

Lexie: "Yeah."

Derek: "We got a consult."

Lexie: "Okay."

Owen: "No. No, wait. We're-"

Arizona: "I gotta check on a sick kid. Can I get a ride?"

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