Chapter 13

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Derek: "Morning." he says walking over to where Sky is standing by a nurses desk as they wait for Richard to begin the meeting he called with the staff

Sky: "Morning."

Derek: "I told Addison I still loved Meredith." he blurts out to her making her eyes widen before turning to face him

Sky: "Really?"

Derek: "Yeah. It was during Christmas."

Sky: "And how did she take it?"

Derek: "Well for these past weeks she's been bitching about everything else besides what I said to her. She got really fired up about the trailer this morning."

Sky: "Is it bad that I want to smile right now?" she asks with a small smile forming on her face as he nudges her side with his elbow

Derek: "Shut up. You're no help."

Richard: "Listen up, people" he says gaingin everybody's attention "New year, new rules. Or should I say, new year, and we will be enforcing the rules mandated by the Residency Review Committee. There were too many mistakes made last year. Fatigue played too big a role. Exceeding 80 hours of work per week will not be tolerated. Sullivan. You were on call for 28 hours. Leave when you hit 30. Grey, you were here until two a.m. last night  See you at noon. One more thing people. Our nurses are gonna have to work extra hours to compensate, so treat them well. Cranky nurses don't do us any good."

Sky: "Dr. Karev looks like you're with me today."

Alex: "Can't wait. What do we have?"

Sky: "Mr. Paskowitz. Came in for abdominal pain. Do an xray CT and page me when you have the images."

Sky: "Mr. Paskowitz. We've located the source of your abdominal pain. There. It's called a bezoar."

Mr.Paskowitz: "Bezoar, huh? Foreign matter that couldn't be expelled with a prokinetic agent. I love it. In a hospital a laxative is a "prokinetic agent"."

Audrey: "You just go up his butt and grab it?"

Mr. Paskowitz: "Baby. Please."

Alex: "Actually we won't be able to reach it that way. We'll have to get it from here." he says pointing at his stomach

Sky: "So, Mauer, tell me what you have been eating?"

Mr. Paskowitz: "Garbage. Absolute garbage."

Sky: "Could you be more specific?"

Audrey: "Tell him what you ate, Mauer. He's a writer. Suffering for his art."

Sky: "Ok..." she trails off while looking at him confusedly

Mrs. Paskowitz: "He ate his novel."

Alex: "I'm sorry, what?"

Mr. Paskowitz: "I ate my novel, ok? The whole damn thing. Every last piece of that unmitigated crap." he says as the two doctors exchange a confused look before looking back at the man and nodding before walking off

Sky: "Prep him and book an OR. Page me when it's scheduled." she says handing Alex the chart before walking away from him

Mr. Paskowitz: "My mouth feels all weird." he says as they roll him down the hallway towards the elevator as Sky waits for them

Audrey: "Chewing paper will have that effect, lover."

Alex: "Weird how?"

Mr. Paskowitz: "Pins and needles. No, needles and pins. Needles and pins. Yeah, yeah. Sprouting from my fingers and toes like Iike-Lord God, give me a simile."

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