Chapter 22

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Joe: "Dude, is she knitting?" he asks Derek and Sky as they sit at a table and look over to see Meredith sitting at the bar knitting something

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Joe: "Dude, is she knitting?" he asks Derek and Sky as they sit at a table and look over to see Meredith sitting at the bar knitting something

Derek: "You know, as a friend, I got to tell you, you look a little weird."

Meredith: "I am making a sweater."

Joe: "You're knitting. In a bar. You're scaring the customers."

Sky: "Come on, have a drink." she says passing a shot over to her

Meredith: "I can't have a drink. I'm celibate." she says passing it back to her

Joe: "You mean sober? She means sober."

Meredith: "No. Celibate. I'm practicing celibacy, and drinking does not go well with celibacy because it makes everything and everyone seem kind of porny. Then my head gets all cloudy and the next thing, I'm naked. And my point is, I'm celibate, and knitting is good for surgical dexterity, so I'm making a sweater."

Derek: "You, celibate? I just don't buy it."

Sky: "Sounds kind of boring." she says downing the shot

Meredith: "No more men."

Addison: "No more men? Really? You? And I'm asking because we are friends."

Meredith: "Every guy I meet turns out to be married."

Derek: "Ooh. Ouch."

Meredith: "Sorry. Or Mark."

Addison: "Ok, I'm going to go over there now."

Sky: "I'll join you." she says grabbing another shot as the two women back over to the table they were originally at

Meredith: "Sorry."

Richard: "Dr. Rivers" he says approaching her as she walks through the halls "Thank you for volunterring to do today's seminar."

Sky: "It's no problem, I don't mind. It actually kind of helps refresh my mind."

Richard: "Great. Well I'll see you in there." he says making her stop in her tracks

Sky: "Hold up. You're taking my class?"

Richard: "Yeah. I could also use the refresher."

Sky: "Don't you think it'll be weird?"

Richard: "I don't mind being in a class with the interns."

Sky: "No, not that. Me being the teacher and you being the student?"

Richard: "Well you know what they say...the student becomes the master. Looks like you're the master for the day." he says smiling at her before walking away

Sky: "Yeah, totally not going to be weird." she mutters to herself before walking away

Sky: "Today we'll be covering-yes? Dr. Yang." she says seeing Cristina's hand go up

Cristina: "Will we be covering both intra and extracorporeal knots in today's seminar?"

Sky: "We'll be training in all aspects of laparoscopic general surgery. Starting with basic instrumentation and camera operation well move through several complex procedures, including tissue approximation. The suggested task time for bead transfer is...and 240 seconds for dominant to nondominate transfer."

Richard: "Dr. Yang." he says smiling at her as he sits behind her

Cristina: "Cheif" she smiles back before seeing him click his pen making her look at him in confusion and shock "You're taking the class?"

Richard: "It's a good refresher course. Plus I get to see Sky teach for the day. You know she was my favorite sutdent. Should be fun."

Cristina: "Fun. Yeah."

Sky: "Now, who would like to volunteer for our first...Dr. Yang." she says as Cristina's hand instantly goes up before she can finish her sentence

Sky: "In five to ten years, cutting, as we know it, will be virtually obsolete" she says walking around the room while watching everybody practice on the machines "Very nice, Dr. Yang."

Cristina: "Thank you, ma'am ."

Sky: "A little less tension there, Chief. Watch your grip. There you go." she smiles at him before moving over to other people

Richard: "I wasn't copying you."

Cristina: "Of course not, sir. Done! I'm done! I totally finished first. I'm done." she says excitedly

Sky: "Today's final assignment will show how well you can take the skills you have learned and apply them to a single operation. You may begin." she says when they come back from lunch and continue the seminar

Richard: "I'm done! I'm done! I'm done!"

Sky: "Flawless, Chief Webber. Absolutely flawless."

Richard: "They call me Dr. Webber!" he says moving over to Cristina "That's why I'm the Chief. That's why I'm the Chief! That's why I'm the Chief, Chief." he says in a sing song at the end as he walks out the room making Sky shake her head in amusement at him before continuing on with the other students

Richard: "Nice work today, Sky."

Hi Sky: "Thank you. It was fun. Especially watching you compete with an intern." she says chuckling a bit

Richard: "Yeah well they have to learn at some point, you can't beat the old master." he says making her scoff at him

Sky: "Ok. Whatever you say. I'll see you tomorrow."

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