Chapter 8

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Derek: "Hey! Good morning, Sky." he says walking alongside her in the halls

Sky: "You're smiling."

Derek: "Yeah. It's called happiness. Ever heard of it?"

Sky: "And you're and Meredith got back together didn't you."

Derek: "Yes we did. And now I am happy. Shouldn't you understand the feeling. You're with Benjamin."

Sky: "Sure." she says giving a breathy chuckle

Derek: "You two haven't slept together yet have you?" he asks seeing the look on her face

Sky: "And this is where our conversation ends." she says going to walk away but he stops her

Derek: "Oh come on. We always talk about me when it comes to sex."

Sky: "No. You always talk about sex when it comes to you. I just sit there and listen for when anything interesting comes up."

Derek: "You know what. You're ruining my mood. And I'm not going to let you." he says going to walk away

Sky: "You are a very strange person, Derek."

Derek: "I am just bright and shiny, Sky. Bright and shiny."

Sky: "What do we have?"

Paramedic: "Mia Hanson, five-year-old female. Crush injury to abdomen, blunt trauma to head. BP 90 over 60, pulse 110."

Derek: "How was she injured?"

Paramedic: "Backed over by her mom's SUV."

Woman: "Her blood type is A negative. And she's allergic to penicillin. I am so sorry, Mia! I am so sorry, baby!"

Sky: "Grey!" she says telling her to talk to the woman

Derek: "I'm going to examine your neck."

Meredith: "It's ok, Mia. My name's Meredith. Dr. Shepherd and Dr. Rivers are trying to see where you're hurt."

Mr. Hanson: "What the hell happened?"

Mrs. Hanson: "She ran over Mia in the driveway."

Mr. Hanson: "She what?"

Anna: "Mia wasn't supposed to be there. Mrs. Hanson told me to go get some milk and I didn't see her."

Mr Hanson: "How do you not see a child standing in the driveway? And where were you?"

Mrs. Hanson: "What?"

Mr. Hanson: "What were you doing that you couldn't watch Mia?"

Mrs. Hanson: "I was supposed to be in court."

Mr. Hanson: "On the phone?"

Mrs. Hanson: "I was letting them know I was late."

Mr. Hanson: "Instead of watching Mia?"

Mrs. Hanson: "So now this is my fault?"

Sky: "It's the car's fault, ok? SUVs have blind spots the size of Jupiter. Yelling and fighting and placing blame is not going to help your child."

Mrs. Hanson: "Is she gonna be ok?"

Derek: "She has blood in her ear canal. We need to get her upstairs for a CT. Ok. Ready?"

Anna: "It's going to be ok, baby girl."

Mrs. Hanson: "Get away from her. Now."

Anna: "What?"

Mrs. Hanson: "Get out!"

Derek: "All right. Come on. Let's get her up."

Mia: "I want Anna." she says as Meredith puts her in the CT machine

Meredith: "Ok, Mia. Mommy and Daddy are here. We are just going to take some pictures, ok? This is a big camera."

Mia: "I don't like it."

Sky: "Grey, keep her still." she says from the other side of the glass

Mrs. Hanson: "Mia, baby, it's ok, mommy's here."

Mia: "Where's Anna?"

Mrs. Hanson: "You need to lie very still, ok?"

Mia: "I want Anna."

Mrs. Hanson: "How about I sing you the good night song? And you pretend it's bedtime and stay super still, ok? Ok. Good night, Mia. Good night, Mommy. Good night, Daddy-"

Mia: "No! You're singing it wrong!"

Mrs. Hanson: "I am? I'm singing it wrong Um..."

Mia: "I want Anna."

Mr. Hanson: "She's in the waiting room. I'll get her."

Mrs. Hanson: "John" she snaps at him "Let's all sing it together, ok?"

Mia: "No. I want Anna."

Sky: "We may have to do a partial nephrectomy." she says as they operate on Mia

Meredith: "Think you can save Mia's kidney?"

Sky: "If we can control the bleeders. Cauterize as I go. Thank you. Poor girl. It's not going to be an easy recovery."

Meredith: "With parents like that, she didn't have it easy to begin with."

Sky: "Absent parents are your thing?"

Meredith: "Yeah. What about you?"

Sky: "My parents only wanted a boy, tried multiple times for one, I'm an only sibling. That should tell you everything."

Meredith: "I mean they don't know their kid's blood type. They don't know her favorite song. People want high-powered careers. I get that, but they should think twice before having kids."

Sky: "Yeah well. Something tells me that won't be changing anytime soon."

Sky: "Mrs. Hanson?" she says once they finish the surgery 

Mrs.Hanson: "Is she all right?"

Sky: "We were able to stop the bleeding. Dr. Shepherd has ordered an MRl of her skull fracture. Hopefully she won't need any more surgery."

Mrs.Hanson: "Thank God."

Sky: "She's in recovery. Dr. Grey will take you up to her."

Mrs.Hanson: "Thank you." she says as Sky nods at her before walking away

After Derek finishes Mia's surgery, Sky comes to check on her and when walking past her room she sees Anna and Mia singing a song together as her parents stand on the other side of the bed looking at them with smiles on their faces. Meredith comes to stand behind her as they watch the moment before going their separate ways

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