Chapter 8/9

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Chapter 8

Arizona: "I always knew that Wallace's parents were wealthy, but not $25-million wealthy. I mean, that's "libraries named after you" kind of money, "saved babies in Africa and has dinner at the White House regularly" type money."

Mark: "People don't give me that kind of money. You have an unfair advantage. You work with children." he says as Sky comes to sit next to him on the couch with a cup of coffee 

Callie: "Oatmeal, side of fruit, wheat toast, hold the butter."

Owen: "Thank you." he comes into the room after getting dressed 

Callie: "You know what? That money is gonna make such a difference for so many patients. It''s really amazing."

Mark: "Maybe I should start doing more cleft-palate kids. Everyone's a sucker for those."

Callie: "Cheese omelet, extra butter, cinnamon toast, crispy bacon."

Cristina: "Mine!"

Arizona: "$25 million is pretty cool, right?"

Sky: "Best birthday gift ever." she smiles at her as Arizona shakes her head at her a little 

Callie: "Birthday gift?"

Sky: "Well, 'c...cause the money's a gift. I mean, technically it's for the hospital, not Arizona, but since your birthday's on Friday..."

Callie: "How does Sky know about your birthday and I don't?"

Arizona: "Birthdays are just days like any other days. I don't like them. Don't celebrate them. No big deal. $25 million? That's a big deal. Crap. I'm gonna be late. I will see you there." she kisses Callie before heading out the apartment

Callie: "Okay, she's downplaying it, right? I'm her girlfriend. I have to do something for her birthday, right?"

Owen: "Yes."

Cristina: "No."

Sky: "You should at least do something. You could cook for her, take her on a trip, surprise party, uh-"

Mark: "Whoa, whoa" he sits up making everybody look at her "Bad idea. Surprise parties are hostile. They're dark. People jump out and scream at you. They never come to any good." he says as they all raise their eyebrows at him and Sky pats him on the chest giving him a teasing look 

Bailey: "Is that the preemie?" she comes into the room where Alex is holding a baby 

Alex: "Oh, yeah. I was just, uh...well, I tried everything. I just thought maybe somebody should hold her before, you know, she-"

Bailey: "Kangaroo."

Alex: "What?"

Bailey: "The way you're holding the baby, it's called a kangaroo hold. Uh, there's been cases where the kangaroo has helped babies thrive. But look, Karev, look at the numbers. Look at this." she points to the monitor 

Alex: "Heart rate's going up."

Bailey: "Yeah, it is, and her temperature is normal. Karev, you may have just kick-started this baby's entire system."

Alex: "Just by holding her?" 

Bailey: "Take off your shirt."

Alex: "What? No. Take off your shirt." he scoffs 

Bailey: "No, no. Just...the kangaroo hold, it's most effective when there's skin-on-skin contact. It's usually the mom, but, you know, you're gonna have to do. I'm not kidding. Take off your shirt."

Bailey: "See? It's the skin-to-skin contact. The baby can feel your warmth better, sense your heartbeat better. See that? The baby's own heart is picking up in response." as she talks Derek walks past the room and when taking a glance he switches directions and comes into the room

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