Chapter 7

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Cristina: "Hey, you're late. She has skills lab." she comes over to where Derek and Meredith are coming off the elevator

Derek: "Good morning, Cristina. It feels like minutes. See you later?" he says to Meredith as he comes over to the nurses desk where Sky is walking 

Sky: "Well how long do you think it'll take to fix it?" she asks on the phone "That's what you said last time and I now arrive home to a bucket filled with water. Just have the guy call me. Thank you." she hangs up in annoyance

Derek: "Still leaking in your's that going?"

Sky: "You heard about the bucket filled with water right?" she asks as she sees him yawning "Late night?"

Derek: "Meredith kept me up most of the night."

Sky: "I don't need to hear about your dirty-"

Derek: "Talking on the phone with Cristina."

Sky: "Aww. And they stole your sleep? Did you say Yang goes or I go?" she says in a teasing voice

Derek: "I don't think I'd win that one."

Sky: "Those two come as a set. You should know that by now." she chuckles as they walk down the hall

Derek: "Before she had Burke. Burke helped."

Sky: "True."

Derek: "Well if it gets worse in your apartment you can always come stay with me."

Sky: "Thanks." she sighs as they split ways

Derek: "I need you to have sex with Cristina Yang." he runs into the elevator where Mark is in

Mark: "Good morning."

Derek: "Distract her. Engage her. Give her something to do after midnight besides call my girlfriend and wake me up."

Mark: "Yang? No. No, too serious, humorless, un-fun...not my type."

Derek: "Yang should be your type. She's intense, intelligent, complicated. She's like a single malt scotch, and you're used to beer bongs."

Mark: "You calling your best friend a beer pong?" he asks giving him a smirk

Derek: "Oh, you know, wait a minute. I get it. You don't think you have a shot. You're probably right."

Mark: "Oh, I have a shot."

Derek: "Then try it, as a favor."

Mark: "No. I'm not your stud horse. You can't just... just tell me who to sleep-"

Derek: "You slept with my wife."

Mark: "Yeah, I'll give it a shot." he sighs out

Richard: "Ah, Dr. Hunt. Got a second?" he comes into the room where Owen and Sky are waiting for the trauma to come in 

Owen: "It's about to get a little loud in here, sir, but shoot."

Richard: "Uh, listen, we're getting ready to award the first solo surgery to a second-year resident. I want your take."

Owen: "Uh, give me a sec." they listen to what the paramedics say

Paramedic: "Unidentified male, mid-30s, lost vitals in the field, shocked him back into sinus tach. Possible fractures in both arms, unstable pelvis."

Cristina: "Okay, on three. Two, three. Good, go." they transfer him over to a bed

Paramedic: "Open right tib/fib, rigid abdomen."

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