Chapter 2

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Richard: "What do you think of the board?" he asks as him and Sky stand at the OR board and she drinks a cup of coffee

Sky: "Good. It looks good."

Richard: "Oh, I didn't do it. I'm delegating. I am being a delegator. I'm doing it all different, making time for my wife."

Sky: Oh, yeah? She talking to you yet?"

Richard: "She will when she sees I'm a delegator. I...I should move that surgery up there."

Sky: "Junkie."

Richard: "Yeah. Right, right. It's good. It's fine. Okay. I'm delegating. See? Being a delegator."

Mark: "What's wrong with the chief?"

Sky: "He's a junkie."

Mark: "Him? You're the one who looks all strung out."

Sky: "I'm just tired."

Mark: "Oh yeah, hangovers will do that to you."

Sky: "I'm not hungover. Just didn't get home till late and then get called in for a surgery at the crack of dawn."

Mark: "Afraid to admit that we had fun last night." he says giving her a teasing smirk

Sky: "We sat at a bar and talked. And most of the conversation was due to alcohol."

Mark: "Sure it was" he says with a smile on his face and Derek comes over to them "Morning."

Derek: "Morning. Good morning" he says looking at Sky who rolls her eyes at him before going to walk away "Sky, come on."

Sky: "You were the one who kept talking about how you wanted to spend time with me and then you don't show up because...what. You decided to get laid instead." she says walking away from the two as they watch her

Mark: "Don't mind her. She's just mad that we had a good time last night."

Derek: "Excuse me?" he asks giving him a look

Mark: "Not like that. We had a good conversation. If anything I should thank you. You not showing up and deciding to do the horizontal salsa with Meredith helped me and Sky's friendship get on the right track."

Derek: "Mambo. Horizontal mambo. And Meredith and I, we're just friends."

Mark: "Sexy friends?"

Derek: "You're like the worst, most juvenile human being I've ever met in my life."

Mark: "You know the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem?"

Derek: "How many nurses have you slept with this week?"

Mark: "That's not a problem, man. That's an adventure."

Richard: "What do we got?"

Sky: "A gas main blew in an apartment building. Five injured, some badly."

Cristina: "Excellent" she says excitedly before seeing the look the other two doctors give her "Horrible. It's horribly sad."

Paramedic: "Marla Kristler, 34-year-old female, abdomen blown out, skull fracture, third-degree burns over at least 40% of her body."

Richard: "Okay, I got this. Open OR two. Page Dr. Shepherd. Torres, triage the rest."

Callie: "Yes, sir. Yang, you're with the chief. Go."

Cristina: "Oh, thank you. Uh, one, four, come with me."

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