Chapter 16

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Callie: "52-year-old male, fell down a flight of stairs. He's five days post-op from a cholecystectomy, which looks to have caused the fall."

Cristina: "Why would having your gallbladder removed cause a fall?"

Callie: "Well..." she pulls his gown up to show them the scar on his lower stomach  

Sky: "A non-laparoscopic choli? Sir, what hospital did you have your operation at?"

John: "Here. Uh, my surgeon was Dr. Campbell."

Cristina: "That explains it." she mutters as Owen gives them a confused look

Sky: "Excuse us for a moment." they move away from the bed to talk in private

Owen: "Okay. All right, what?"

Callie: "Campbell was Seattle Grace's first female surgeon, as pioneer as it gets. Mostly she just sits in her office and spreads prestige around."

Sky: "She...still does routine surgery now and then."

Cristina: "You mean botches routine surgery. I'll page the chief."

Owen: "No, page Campbell. It's her patient."

Cristina: "And let her maim the guy again? How about we page someone who actually knows how to operate instead of some dinosaur who refuses to retire her scalpel and go join her friends in Boca?"

Campbell: "The dinosaur is here. No need to page me." they turn around to see her leaning against the doorway and at the sight of her Cristina looks at her in shock 

Callie: "So, did you scope her out yet?" she comes over to stand next to Mark at a nurses desk 

Mark: "Who?"

Callie: "Arizona."

Mark: "Oh, right, that. No, I haven't had a chance to swing by peds and ask the nurse to point out the attending who kissed my friend in a dirty bar bathroom."

Callie: "Well, at least you're still good for coffee."

Mark: "Oh, that's not for you." he moves the cup away from her as Addison comes over to them 

Addison: "Coffee? Why, thank you, Mark."

Mark: "Well, it's, uh, that's not for you, either" he pulls the cups closer to him and he watches as Sky walks past them while looking at a chart and Callie gasps as he hurries over to her "Morning, Dr. Rivers." he smiles at her

Sky: "Yeah, you can keep your secret coffee

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Sky: "Yeah, you can keep your secret coffee."

Mark: "Huh?" he mutters in confusion

Sky: "Have you told Derek about us yet?"

Mark: "I'm...working on it."

Sky: "Right. You realize that our relationship consists of hiding you in my bedroom whenever Derek comes over and having Lexie page us when he's busy so we can go to an oncall room?" she asks as he sighs "It was fun at first but now it's just annoying and I'm over it. You need to tell him."

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