Chapter 10/11

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Chapter 10

Addison: "Dorie Russell, she's giving birth to quints." she says putting down a file of charts in front of Derek, Sky, and Burke

Derek: "Richard said we were on standby. Which is no problem. It's not like I have a neurosurgery department to run."

Burke: "Yes. Apparently our departments are at her disposal."

Addison: "Do you have time to talk to the mom? I want her to meet all her surgeons."

Sky: "Yeah, no problem."

Burke: "I'll come by after I finish in the OR."

Addison: "Thank you, Dr. Burke."

Burke: "Sure!"

Addison: "Rooms this way" she says pointing Sky in the direction before following next to Derek and talking quietly to him thinking Sky can't hear her but she can "I didn't hear you leave the hotel room this morning."

Derek: "I had an early surgery."
Addison: "You're sure that's all? Nothing's wrong?"
Derek: "No, like I said, I had an early surgery."

Addison: "Ok."

Dorie: "I feel like a beached whale."

Addison: "Dorie, this is Dr. Shepherd, he's our head of neurosurgery."

Dorie: "Another Dr. Shepherd?"

Addison: "He's my husband, actually."

Dorie: "Seriously? Wow, look at you two. Everybody must hate you."

Derek, Addison, and Sky: "You have no idea."

Addison: "Anyway, Dorie, this is Dr. Rivers. Our head of trauma."

Dorie: "Trauma? Is something wrong?"

Sky: "I also specialized in cardio, neuro, and general. If anything I'm also an extra pair of hands if need be."

Addison: "Dr. Shepherd wants to talk to you about Baby "C."

Dorie: "Lucy."

Derek: "Lucy has hydrocephalus. It is a build-up of cerebrospinal fluid on the brain."

Dorie: "Ok, and that means..."

Derek: "Excess fluid builds up and puts pressure on the baby's brain, which could result in brain damage. Here's the good news. We caught it early. We can take care of it quickly."

Dorie: "How?"

Derek: "I'll install a shunt to drain the fluid. You're looking at a full recovery."

Dorie: "No brain damage?"

Derek: "No brain damage."

Dorie: "Ok, really, couldn't you have led with that?" she says making them all chuckle at her

Derek: "Good point."

Addison: "Here it is. Right there, the omphalocele." she says after paging Sky and Bailey and showing them an ultrasoung of one of the babies

Bailey: "Look at that."

Dorie: "That's the scariest word yet."

Cristina: "All it means is some of the baby's organs are growing in a sac outside its body."

Izzie: "Cristina!"

Dorie: "All it means"? Her organs are growing outside of her body? That's "all it means"?"

Izzie: "It's going to be ok."

Sky: "We'll remove the sac membrane containing the organs, make a small incision in the baby's abdomen and put them back inside."

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