Chapter 13

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Bailey: "I think we've almost got the tumor out. At this rate, we'll be finished early. Might be able to catch the end of Shepherd's big speech." she says to Sky making her scoff

Sky: "Please I've been listening to him practice this speech for days now. It's practically engraved in my brain. I don't need to hear it anymore" she shakes her head just as the machines start beeping eractically

Meredith: "She's tachycardic."

Ben: "I don't understand what happened. Everything appears to be in order here."

Bailey: "There's-there's no bleeders. I don't see any bleeders. Okay, I-I don't see a- a reason why down here, so why is her heart rate going through the roof?" she yells at Ben as she tries to find the problem

Meredith: "Did you check her anastomosis?"

Bailey: "Her anastomosis is intact. Everything is intact. What is-wait, wait, wait. Did I just feel movement?" she takes her hand out the patient and holds it over her body looking to see if she moves again and Sky looks over at her head

Sky: "She's awake, Dr. Bailey. The patient's awake." her eyes widen a little 

Bailey: "Well, what the hell did you do? What the hell did you do? Get her back to sleep right now."

Sky: "Okay, I know you're scared right now, but it's gonna be okay. Everything is going to be okay. Just try to breathe." she assures the woman who nods at her while panicking a bit

Ben: "Pushing 150 of propofol."

Ben: "She had the appropriate amount of anesthetic."

Bailey: "The patient was open on the table" they say at the same time when Derek comes over to them with Sky beside them

Derek: "Stop. Stop. Just every- stop. Just take a deep breath. Go check on the patient."

Meredith: "Okay."

Derek: "This can happen. It's happened to me. Any luck at all, she won't remember a thing."

Ben: "Which means she won't remember to sue us?"

Derek: "Exactly" he nods as Ben walks away and they head towards the patients room "Okay, how was that? That was good, right?"

Bailey: "Yeah, very chiefly."

Derek: "Good."

Sky: "Lose the tie." she looks him over before flicking it a little 

Derek: "What? Not the tie." he mutters  while taking it off

Derek: "Mr. And Mrs. Wilson, we're here to update you on the surgery."

Bailey: "We completed your tumor resection. I was able to resect the entire thing off of your abdominal wall."

Sky: "Mm-hmm, which is a good thing. Things went very well." she nods to them

Leslie: "Really? How about the part when I woke up on the table? How well did that part go?" she asks as their faces drop "Where I could smell my own burning flesh-how was that? When I was lying there...unable to speak while I could actually feel you butchering my insides I couldn't move. I was awake and couldn't move, and you had no idea. How well did that part go?"

Sky: "Hey" she comes over to the nurses desk where Mark is leaning against while looking at his phone "How did Derek's speech go? I'd ask him but he seems to have enough on his plate" she notices how he doesn't respond making her clear her throat "I heard that Sloan was released from the hospital in LA, that's good. Is she coming back soon? Mark? This a joke? You're not even gonna look at me?" she asks as he sighs before walking away leaving her to stare at where he was standing "Guess not."

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