Chapter 8

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Lexie: "Hey. I missed you this morning. Is everything okay?" she asks as she walks over to the elevator besides Jackson

Jackson: "Yeah. I just wanted to get a run in before work."

Lexie: "Okay. Well, uh, I gotta get upstairs If I'm gonna beat Shepherd to rounds, so I'll see you later?"

Jackson: "Yeah. All right. I'll see you later." he breathes and the doors open to show Sky and Mark smiling at each other as they finish a conversation

Sky: "Hey." she smiles at the couple 

Mark: "Going up?"

Lexie: "Nope."

Jackson: "Yeah, you are." he stops her from walking off and Mark looks over at him with a smile as Lexie sighs before going into the elevator

Mark: "Ooh, Avery. Today's the day. You, me, cross-facial nerve graft. You pumped? I'm pumped."

Jackson: "All right."

Mark: "Get pumped."

Jackson: "Getting pumped." he gives a forced smile

Sky: "Everything okay?"

Jackson: "Yeah they're fine."

Jackson: "Come on. Tell me I'm paranoid or something." he paces around April's office 

April: "You're paranoid."

Jackson: "Thank you." he sighs going to sit on the couch 

April: "Although, she did complain about them being all lovey dovey and threw a softball at a woman." she shrugs

Jackson: "I know" he quickly stands up to continue pacing "Screw this. You know, I can't be around Sloan today. I...just take me off plastics, just for the day. I gotta clear my head."

April: "I am not gonna rearrange the whole surgical schedule Just 'cause you're having girl problems. Just suck it up."

Alex: "You guys ever hear of a Polly Preston?" he asks coming into the room 

April: "Uh, chief resident at the Brigham? She's only my number one peer role model."

Alex: "You're a freak, and I hate you."

Jackson: "What are you working on today,
Karev?" he asks looking down at the board on April's desk

Alex: "A fat lot of nothing now. Why?"

Jackson: "How would you feel about a nerve graft?"

Alex: "I would feel great about a nerve graft." Jackson turns to give April a look making her sigh 

April: "Fine."

Jackson: "Thank you."

Sky: "Wow. There it is" she breathes coming into the room where Cristina is sitting with the heart in the box "I, uh, ran into Altman, and she told me what you were up to this morning. And I swear, I can't believe it. It's astounding. Uh, what are you, uh, working on over there?" she looks at the pagers surrounding Cristina 

Cristina: "Um, Altman is offering to track down, Uh, surgeries I want to perform."

Sky: "Uh, may I?"

Cristina: "Oh, no. This is..."

Sky: "Thanks" she takes the notepad from her and looks through it before looking up at Cristina with a disapproving look "Yang, what's wrong with you?" Cristina gives her a confused look "This list is full of 300 common procedures. It's insulting."

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