Chapter 9/10

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Chapter 9

Bailey: "Okay, okay. You're gonna be okay." she says when Teddy brings Henry into the ER and he coughs up blood

Owen: "Let's get a good line him."

Sky: "Where is x-ray? Get them in here, stat." she calls out from her spot against the wall watching the others working

Teddy: "He, uh, hasn't been having trouble with his, uh, VHL. No, uh, tumors since, um...uh, when, uh, when was your last Ct? It was, uh, it was June."

Henry: "Dr. Webber did a full workup."

Bailey: "Okay, then let's page Dr. Webber, please."

Nurse: "Right away, doctor."

Owen: "His veins are shot. Let's go ahead and put in a central line. We're gonna put a line in so we can give you I. V. fluids. And once we get the x-ray, we should have a better idea of what's going on." Teddy goes to get the kit and Sky watches as her hands start shaking and she moves over to her 

Sky: "We got him. Okay?" 

Teddy: "Yeah. Yeah." Sky takes the kit from her to hand to Owen before rubbing Teddy's shoulder in comfort

Owen: "All right."

Richard: "Call up to CT. Tell 'em we're on our way up."

Teddy: "Screw CT and go straight to the bronchoscope. You need to find out what is down there."

Sky: "CT will clarify what we're dealing with. It won't delay anything, and you're not his doctor. Richard is."

Bailey: "I hear he's good. I mean, I-I don't know. He's new around here." she shrugs when Teddy looks over at her

Henry: "She doesn't like it when I'm in the hospital. Makes you wonder why she married a guy with chronic illness."

Owen: "Masochist. Call me if you need anything."

Teddy: "I'm coming to CT."

Richard: "I wouldn't have it any other way."

Teddy: "Good."

Sky: "She's barely got any pulse. What was she in for?" she asks when April wheels a patient into a trauma room

Man: "A thoracic spinal fusion to fix her scoliosis. Dr. Torres just released her, and she was doing fine."

Sky: "Okay, heart sounds are muffled. Let's call Altman."

April: "She's not protecting her airway. I'm gonna intubate."

Man: "Is she okay?"

Sky: "Sir, there's a waiting room."

Man: "What's happening?"

Sky: "Take your son out of here. We will let you know when we know. We're gonna need the ultrasound, and somebody find Torres."

Nurse: "Right away." she nods and April notices how Sky winces a little

April: "Are you okay Dr. Rivers?"

Sky: "I'm fine." she nods shifting in her spot a little and glances down at her stomach before looking at one of the nurses "Let's page Hunt."

Nurse: "On it doctor."

Callie: "What the hell happened?" she asks coming into the room 

Sky: "That's what I was gonna ask you. She's in shock looks like her pericardium's full of blood."

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