Chapter 17

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Richard: "Uh, Hunt." he says to said man when he comes over to the nurses desk where he's standing at with Sky

Owen: "Mm."

Ricahrd: "These are your scans."

Owen: "Mm-hmm." he looks up at him in confusion

Richard: "I was just looking around. Uh, that's quite a tumor."

Owen: "Huge. There's probably nothing to be done." he says as Richard puts the scans down and Sky picks them up

Richard: "Hmm. You mind if I take a stab at it? Well, it sounds strange to you, I'm sure, but, uh, I only have a few years left in the game, and there may not be so many big tumors left for me." he pleads making Sky look at him and roll her eyes

Owen: "Of course. You're welcome to it."

Sky: "What are you doing?" she whispers to Owen who looks at her in confusion 

Richard: "Thanks, Hunt. You're a good egg."

Sky: "What are you doing?"

Richard: "I'm sure you've got work to do, Dr. Rivers."

Sky: "Mm-hmm." she hums as she looks back towards the computer and Richard stares at Owen for a moment 

Richard: "Chart."

Owen: "Oh."

Sky: "Ugh" she groans and watches as Richard walks away before turning to face Owen "Please tell me you did not just fall for that?"

Owen: "What?"

Sky: "You gave up this..." she holds up the scan "Because of a sad story about some mortality and old man crap! He's playing you, stupid."

Owen: "All right, all right. Um..." he chases after Richard with Sky behind him "Dr. Webber. Dr. Webber, I'd like to keep Audrey Taylor. She was my case-"

Richard: "You gave it to me."

Sky: "Oh please you just want a Harper Avery." she scoffs

Richard: "When Dr. Avery was here, he did mention that I need to dive back into my research. This case would be perfect for that."

Owen: "Richard, this thing is a monster. At best it's damage control. I'd be operating by the seat of my pants."

Richard: "On the contrary. A tumor like this calls for a methodical analysis of the scans, a careful plan-"

Owen: "Old-school, which-"

Richard: "Old? Wow. I didn't see that coming." he says making Sky bite her lip to stop from laughing and shakes her head in amusement 

Owen: "I-I didn't not mean your age. I meant the approach. Let's not make this personal."

Richard: "You just did, ginger" he snaps making Owen's eyebrows raise "And you're right. I've been resecting tumors since you were in diapers. In my experience, they demand something a little more elegant than "by the seat of your pants."

Owen: "This is my patient. L-"

Derek: "Good morning. Why are we arguing?" he comes over with Meredith and Cristina beside him

Sky: "That." she holds the scans up for the three to see

Meredith: "Wow."

Cristina: "Big."

Derek: "Whose patient is this?"

Owen and Richard: "Mine."

Derek: "Work on it together."

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