Chapter 3

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As Derek is walking along the halls to head into the attendings lounge he sees Sky and Benjamin standing at the nurses desk. When he gets closer Benjamin smiles at her before checking his phone and walking away

Derek: "He's walking you into the hospital now." he says making her chuckle a little

Sky: "Shut up."

Derek: "This would be your...what 2nd date now?"

Sky: "3rd...and why are you so involved in my dating life?"

Derek: "Oh I'm sorry" he says as she smiles at him "Look I watched you pick yourself back up after Mark and Addison and you're starting to smile more so forgive me if I enjoy watching you smile."

Sky: "Ok. But the second you start asking me about how good he is in bed is when I'm gonna start worrying about you."

Derek: "Alright." he says chuckling a little as they go their separate ways

Alex: "I've got this kid in the pit. She's psycho and her foster parents are beating the crap out of her." he says finding Sky looking at a pair of xrays

Sky: "She tell you that or you figured it out yourself?"

Alex: "She's covered in bruises, she's got a ten centimeter lac on her arm with three staples in it. Like from a staple gun in your garage." he says making her eyes widen

Sky: "The parents did that?"

Alex: "She says she did it herself. Got this whole bit about being a superhero and she can take the pain."

Sky: "You call social services?"

Alex: "They're on their way."

Sky: "Have them speak to the parents while you run a cold pressure test on the girl."

Alex: "A what?"

Sky: "Ice water. Test her response to pain. At the very least it'll keep her distracted while the parents are questioned."

Richard: "Stevens was supposed to be in my office at 9:30. Didn't show. Did you two change your minds?" he says coming over to where Bailey and Sky are sitting at a nurses desk 

Bailey: "No, she said she was coming in. I'm sure she'll track you down." she says as he nods before walking away and Alex comes over to Sky

Alex: "We need to run a CT on this kid's abdomen. Superhero stuff's way out of hand."

Sky: "It's all right if she thinks she's a superhero." she says shrugging her shoulders

Bailey: "I believed in Santa Claus until I was 11."

Alex: "Really? Did Santa ever hit you in the gut with a baseball bat?" he asks making both women look up at him in shock  

Addison: "Hey, Sky. You needed a consult?" she asks coming into the room where Sky is at 

Sky: "Yeah, just waiting for a picture." she says handing Addison the chart as her phone buzzes and she reads the message with a smile on her face

Addison: "Oh I know that smile. Who's the lucky guy?"

Sky: "Just someone I met."

Addison: "I wanted to thank you for driving me the other day. You didn't have to do that."

Sky: "Better than your drowning in tequila all night."she says as Alex comes into the room with them after putting the patient in the CT machine "She came in for sutures, but she's a walking accident and has got an off-the-charts pain threshold. I'm thinking-"

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