Chapter 5

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 Woman: "And if you just sign right here and here" she says handing Sky a few documents as they stand in an empty apartment "And once more right here

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Woman: "And if you just sign right here and here" she says handing Sky a few documents as they stand in an empty apartment "And once more right here. And...there we go, this place is now your's. Welcome home." she says handing her a set of keys smiling at the woman
Sky: "Thank you." she says taking the keys letting the woman out of the apartment before looking around at what was now her place, smiling slightly

Sky: "Hey." she says coming over to where Derek is sitting at in the viewing room as Richard, Bailey, and Meredith operate down below
Derek: "Hey. You're in a good mood."
Sky: "Well I finally found a place I like. It's down the street from the hospital, near a bar, and across the street from a chinese place. And I closed on it this morning." she says smiling
Derek: "Congrats. Looks like you're making Seattle your home now."
Sky: "Yep. Now all I need is to buy furniture and decorations."
Derek: "Sounds fun."
Sky: "Oh it is. It's thrilling." she says sarcastically as the two chuckle before she looks down at the surgery being done and he goes back to writing something in a chart
Richard: "There's too much damage. We'll have to remove most of the colon instead of a local resection. Mmm. You gotta push it up. More suture. And what's with these damn lights in here? Retract here." he says after trying multiple times to suture a patient's organs
Bailey: "Oh! This just isn't holding."
Richard: "Give me a bigger retractor, please." he says letting the instrument slip in his hands and cling onto the floor gaining everyone's attention
Nurse: "Sorry, doctor."
Richard: "lt wasn't you. Dr. Bailey, you can finish this."
Bailey: "Uh, thank you, chief. l appreciate the opportunity. l'll just..."she says continuing with the surgery as others watch Richard walk out the O.R. in slight concern for the man

Richard: "Three interns, four residents and six nurses on this surgical floor have been diagnosed with syphilis." he says later on in the day calling a staff meeting
Patricia: "There are over 70,000 new cases every year. Undiagnosed, syphilis can lead to blindness, insanity and death."
Richard: "lf you are having unprotected sex with another member of the staff, get tested. This is not a request" he says as a few people start laughing "Patricia will now give you a safe-sex demonstration." he says as more people start to laugh
Patricia: "When the time is right, and, gentlemen, you'll all know when that time is, carefully open the condom packet and roll it onto the banana. Open communication is essential to a healthy relationship. ln a responsible relationship...When the banana is finished gently peel off the condom and dispose of it properly. With every fresh banana, always use a fresh condom."
Sky: "If you're not getting any is it required to be in this meeting?" she whispers to Bailey who shrugs her shoulders while keeping her eyes closed

Derek: "You see that right there?"
Richard: "Mm-hmm."
Derek: "It's a tumor, and it's pressing against your optic nerve."
Richard: "ls it operable?"
Derek: "Oh, definitely. lt does have its risks."
Richard: "You mean l could lose my sight? Just what l need, a syphilis outbreak and a tumor."
Derek: "lt's probably unrelated."
Sky: "Hey. Oh sorry. Didn't know anybody was in this room" she says coming into the room surprising both men making them jump "Ooh. Whose is this?" she asks looking at the screen with the scans of a brain tumor on it. When getting no response she looks over at both men to see Derek staring Richard making her eyes widen and look over at her "Yours?" she asks as he sighs out while nodding his head before turning to look at Derek
Richard: "All right, Derek, let's see how good you really are."
Derek: "All right. l'll put a team together."
Richard: "All my people only. And l still want this kept under wraps. The vultures will be circling soon enough."
Derek: "Aren't l one of the vultures?"
Richard: "Why do you think l want to keep an eye on you? Get going. We're doing this tonight."
Derek: "Right." he says as Richard goes to walk out and Meredith comes into the room
Meredith: "You paged."
Derek: "Yeah, l need you to help me out on something for the chief. Can you keep a secret?"
Meredith: "Better than you think." she says smirking at the man as Sky shakes her head a little while giving Derek a disapproving look

Derek: "How goes our special super secret silent sunset surgery?" he asks making the three women give him a confused look "l've been practicing that."
Bailey: "You have too much time on your hands. Uh, tell the chief l'll be there."
Sky: "Just let me know when and where." she says as Bailey gives Derek a look making the three chuckle a little as they leave the couple to walk on their own
Meredith: "Ok."

Derek: "How we doing?" he asks coming into the O.R. as they prep Richard for surgery
Richard: "Did you lock up the gallery?"
Derek: "Don't worry. We're flying under the radar."
Richard: "What did you put out there, the Midas Rex?"
Bailey: "We've got it, chief."
Richard: "How much vancomycin is there?"
Bailey: "One gram, as ordered, sir."
Richard: "Not gonna be too liberal with those benzos?"
Derek: "You know, doctors make the worst patients." he says chuckling at the group of people around him
Sky: "For the record when I said I wanted to operate on you. I was totally kidding" she says making him smile at her a little "Now breathe in the happy gas. Stop running the OR." she says putting the mask over his mouth
Derek: "l got you covered." he whispers into his ear before he passes out

Derek: "Ok, l've sutured the drain in place. The staples look fine. All right, we're done here. Dr. Bailey, you want to wrap him? Nice work, everybody. Nicely done." he says taking his mask off before walking out once the surgery is finished
Woman: "Thanks."
Derek: "Good."
Meredith: "Do you think the optic nerve is damaged?"
Bailey: "If it is, when he wakes up, he'll-"
Meredith: "He'll be blind? For how long?"
Sky: "Forever."
Bailey: "Page Stevens and Yang. Tell them l want them covering your patients. l need you to stay and monitor the chief."
Meredith: "Cristina and Izzie, um l think they're already swamped."
Bailey: "With what?"
Meredith: "Labs. They had to check on some labs."
Bailey: "Oh, you are lying. l know you're lying. You know how l know? 'Cause you're a bad liar! l hate a bad liar" she says stepping back taking off her mouth before realizing something and motioning to Sky to finish "Take over for me. l know exactly where they are." she says storming out the room
Sky: "Is there a time when she isn't mad at you guys?" she asks Meredith having watched Bailey exit the room

Finishing up writing something in a chart, Sky looks up over at the nurse's desk to see Derek and Meredith and him comforting her before kissing her forehead making her sigh out before walking away

Derek: "Heading home?" he asks when Sky comes over to him after their shift ends
Sky: "Yeah. The only piece of furniture I have is a bed and I cannot wait to get in it." she says making him chuckle at her
Derek: "Well have a good sleep."
Sky: "I will" she says going to walk away but turns back to face him "Look Derek, I won't get into your relationship or personal life unless you ask me. But what you're doing to that poor girl isn't right" he says making her sigh out "If you're happy then happy for you. After everything that happened you deserve it. And if Meredith makes you happy then that's even better. But you need to tell her. It's better coming from you than from anyone else. If you love her or even care for her in the slightest then you need to tell her before it becomes too late. She deserves the truth." she says giving him a small smile before walking away from him just as Meredith comes over to him

Derek: "Long day."
Meredith: "Yeah."
Derek: "Somewhere out there is a steak with your name on it. And maybe a bottle of wine."
Meredith: "This is why I keep you around."
Derek: "So we need to talk."
Meredith: "Wine first, talk later."
Derek: "You tryin to uh, get me drunk so you can take advantage of me?" he asks standing up, putting his laptop away in his bag
Meredith: "I think I like this rules thing."
Derek: "Me too" he says helping put her coat on before grabbing his back. When looking forward he sees a woman staring at him before walking over to the two "Meredith I am so sorry" he says confusing her as the woman reaches the two "Addison. What are you doing here?"
Addison: "You'd know if you'd bothered to return any one of my phone calls" she says before looking at Meredith "Hi. I'm Addison Shepherd."
Meredith: "Shepherd?" she asks slowly shaking the woman's hand
Addison: "And you must be the woman who's been screwing my husband." she says shocking Meredith who looks over at Derek in surprise

Authors note: Onto season 2. Season 1 might not be my best. I was trying to figure out how to introduce Sky into the show and how to make it where she would fit in. Hopefully from now on the story will be better 😁

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