Mark Dies pt. 5

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Sky: "You were supposed to meet me this morning for coffee. I had something I wanted to talk to you about."

Derek: "Yeah sorry I had a consult. What's up?"
Sky: "I-"

Callie: "Uh, an acoustic neuroma?" she comes up behind them making Derek sigh

Derek: "Oh, boy."

Callie: "A long, difficult surgery With a stupid-high post-excision mortality/morbidity? That's what you want to start my hand with?"

Derek: "It's my hand. And thanks for making it sound so fun."

Callie: "You can't try something with a little margin for error?"

Derek: "I was supposed to operate on Jimmy months ago, but then the plane crashed. It has to be today."

Callie: "Well, if you can do this, I guess my hand can do anything."

Derek: "Still my hand."

Owen: "Okay, folks. Let's just start" he gains everyone's attention "As many of you know, Seattle Grace Mercy West has suffered a financial setback. The administration is working hard to keep the impact of that setback as small as possible. To that end, we're gonna have to initiate some cost-cutting measures. The board has hired a physician advisor to help."

Meredith: "What's a physician advisor?"

Owen: "Well, she consults on maximizing efficiency, streamlining processes, assessing where we can trim our budgets."

Bailey: "Who to fire and when to fire them?"

Owen: "She's here to advise and to help. I was hoping to introduce her in person, but she seems to be late."

Cristina: "Oh, on her first day? Not very efficient." she jokes making the others chuckle

Owen: "You can expect to see her in the halls, in your labs, in the O.R."

Derek: "So we're gonna have an accountant following us around the O.R.s?"

Owen: "She's not an accountant. She is a trained surgeon. Frankly, she is here to try to help us. Oh, okay. Help us. Right. Thank you for your cooperation." he dismisses them

Sky: "Can we talk?"

Derek: "Ye-"

Meredith: "Hey. Can I get a minute? It's urgent."

Derek: "Yeah" he nods before looking at Sky "Uh..."

Sky: "It's fine. Well talk later."
Derek: "Okay." he nods before walking off and Sky watches him while sighing

Edwards: "Dr. Rivers, um, we're swamped, and I have a shortness-of-breath lady who needs a consult, and you probably have better things to do, but I need help, please. I'm drowning here." she hands her a clipboard

Sky: "What bed?"

Edwards: "One, two, three-"

Sky: "What are you....stop it. Edwards, if you're covering the pit, it is your job to know every bed in the pit" she sighs "Okay. Put on your big-girl pants. You're about to learn how to run the pit. Let's go."
Sky: "I apologize for the wait, ma'am. You're experiencing shortness of breath?"

Woman: "Luckily, no. 45 minutes in an E.R. bed before a doctor pulls out a stethoscope? I'd likely be experiencing shortness of life."

Sky: "Excuse me?"

Alana: "Alana Cahill. I'm a physician advisor. Could you point me towards chief Hunt? I'm afraid you've made me late for a meeting."

Edwards: "My bad." she sighs

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