Chapter 13

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Meredith: The baby you have is the baby you were destined to have. It was meant to be. That's what all the adoption people tell you anyway(Meredithis walking back and forth in the living room as she rocks Zola in her arms) Anyway, I like to think it's true. But everything else in the world seems so completely random. What if one little thing I said or did...could have made it all fall apart?( Cristina and Owen are laying in bed far apart from each other as their eyes are open) What if I'd chosen another life for myself...or another person?( Richard walks into the kitchen to see Adele looking around frantically and he goes to help take her back to bed) We might have never found each other.( Arizona and Callie are cuddled up in bed asleep) What if I had been raised differently?( Sky and Mark are laying in their bed with Hayes asleep in the middle of them) What if my mother had never been sick? What if I'd actually had a good father? What if? What if? What if?(Meredith puts Zola in her crib before going into bed and smiling at a sleeping Derek before turning over and shutting the light off


Sky: "Oh, thank you so much." she smiles at a woman as she comes into a waiting room 

Woman: "You're welcome."

Sky: "Okay. All right" she sits her daughter in chairs and hands her an ipad game to play with and moves her son's stroller next to her "I need you to sit right here and wait until mommy comes out, okay? Don't move. Here. Play with your thingy. And, uh, I'm gonna just be in the next room-"

Allegra: "No, mommy!"

Sky: "Yes. Sit right there."

Derek: "Hey, pumpkin." he comes out to them 

Allegra: "Hi, daddy."

Derek: "Hey, hey. Really? Really? I mean, you couldn't figure out...anything else?"

Sky: "Well, Derek, if she's gonna schedule staff meetings before the day care opens, what do you expect me to do?"

Derek: "I know, I know. Yeah. Chief's here."

Sky: "Okay, bye, guys." she waves at them before walking into the room as the others wait for Ellis to come in

Ellis: "I've been looking at Seattle Pres' numbers, and I think we can absorb them the way we did Mercy West. I want reports on where your departments can use extra residents and equipment."

Sky: "Congratulations on your third Harper Avery Award." they all clap for her

Arizona: "Yes. Portal vein reconstruction...pretty soon they're gonna rename The Whipple The Grey."

Ellis: "Thank you. Well, there's some press here today...FYI. Okay, let's go. Trauma?"

Owen: "Uh, abdominal closure on an M. V. C., and we will wait to see what comes in."

Ellis: "Neuro?"

Derek: "I have a laminectomy."

Ellis: "Just one? You got a golf game?" she asks making a few people chuckle and Derek gives her a forced look "You know what, people? I keep saying it. If you're not innovating, be generating. Cardio?"

Callie: "Yang is doing a solo thoracic aortic aneurysm, oh, uh, and also, I'll be checking in on my kid with the artificial lung who is waiting for a transplant."

Arizona: "Uh, yeah, can I just say for the record that he's my patient, and I don't agree with this method of treatment? The FDA has not approved an artificial lung on children."

Callie: "Well, I got emergency approval. It buys the kid more time, it keeps him from being sedated and ventilated, I think it's worth exploring."

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