Chapter 11

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Mark: "Hey. What are you doing here?" he asks when he sees Sky come into the hospital while holding Hayes in her arms

Sky: "Uh...I wanted to wish Arizona good luck with the surgery. She just seemed really nervous about everything and so...figured it couldn't help." she shrugs

Mark: "That's sweet. Although you already wished her good luck this morning."

Sky: "I did?"

Mark: "Yeah."

Sky: "Oh...well. What's one more time?"

Mark: "Uh huh." he gives her a disbelieving look

Sky: "Okay. So we're just gonna check out how things are going in ER. Heard from April how a case came in."

Mark: "Really?" he stops her from walking away "You're gonna take a baby, a newborn into the ER? With all the blood, germs, and...dying people."

Sky: "Right. Not a good idea." she clicks her teeth

Mark: "Yeah. Come on I'll walk you to your car."

Sky: "Who wants to see daddy." she suddenly says moving to have Mark hold him

Mark: "No that's-hi buddy." he takes a hold of Hayes and watches as Sky drops the diaper bag at his feet

Sky: "Call me when he's hungry." she waves as she hurries down the hall

Owen: "Hey." he greets Sky when he finds her standing at a nurses desk

Sky: "Hi."

Owen: "You're back? You still have a few weeks of maternity leave."

Sky: "Yeah, well I needed to be around other people. Ones who can respond when you talk to them. And Joe said I couldn't bring Hayes into the bar."

Owen: "You were going to bring a baby into a bar?" he gives her a weird look

Sky: "We weren't gonna drink. I just wanted to talk to someone I know."

Owen: "I thought Allessia was out here?"

Sky: "She had to go back home to work."

Owen: "Oh" he nods when his pager goes off "I gotta go. Conjoined twins practice."

Sky: "Have fun." he walks off

Owen: "Practice, practice, practice until it is perfect, people. This is a long, complex procedure with many parts. Therefore many opportunities for error. So we're gonna go over this again. Team leaders, let's get in place." Sky hears as she sits in the gallery with Hayes on her lap

Derek: "All right, green team over here, please."

Arizona: "Let's go, red."

Owen: "We've offered this family every pro bono dollar, every surgical hand, every resource this hospital has. So I'm asking you for every resource that you have. Be sharp, be present, be focused. Dr. Robbins has been caring for these children since the day they were born. They will each get a new life today. Our actions will decide what kind of lives they will be. Let's begin." he pulls back a sheet to reveal

Mark: "Flaps are inset and viable."

Owen: "We are looking at at least 18 hours, so come and go if you need to, hydrate, eat, but be here at least 30 minutes before your procedures."

Arizona: "All right. Next up, general surgery. First we need to establish each baby's blood supply to the shared colon."

Man: "Then we separate the colon, making the first incision-"

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