Chapter 1/2

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Chapter 1

Meredith: "What happened?" she asks running into the ER as Cristina and Richard try to stop her from looking into the room 
Cristina: "A bus before in front of him hit a telephone pole, he tried to swerve to miss it but-"
Meredith: "How bad is it?"
Richard: "Meredith-"
Cristina: "Meredith, you're gonna have to be strong." she says as Meredith pushes her out the way and looks into the room to see Bailey doing compressions on Derek as the machines continue to flatline
Meredith: "Derek! No. No." she sobs as they watch from outside the room as Bailey stops compressions and Mark and Sky look down at Derek with a sadness in their eyes as Bailey calls time of death "No! No! Derek! No! No! Derek! Derek!" she cries out in pain and slams her hand against the window.

She suddenly gasps awake and looks around before getting up and running down the hall

Bailey: "Back up. You're sucking all my oxygen." she says as Derek leans over her shoulder as the two of them plus Erica, Cristina, and Mark stand around a computer

Derek: "I'm trying to see."

Bailey: "It's not up yet. There's nothing to see."

Erica: "It's supposed to be posted at 4:00."

Mark: "It's 4:15."

Cristina: "Hit the refresh button. You have to reload the page."

Derek: "Yeah."

Bailey: "I'm hitting the refresh button every ten seconds. Just wait." she says smacking the woman's hand away from the keyboard

Meredith: "Is it up yet?" she asks coming over to the group

Bailey: "No." she says in annoyance

Derek: "Hi." he smiles at Meredith

Meredith: "Hi."

Alex: "Is it up yet?"

Bailey: "No! Wait."

Mark: "I'm thinking we move up a slot. We pass Hopkins, move up to number two."

Derek: "We're not passing Hopkins. We're gonna stay at number two."

Erica: "Mayo could surge ahead we could be three."

Derek: "Three? Pessimist."

Erica: "Realist. The rankings of teachings hospitals change based on any number of things."

Mark: "Ah, three is top five. I can live with three."

Alex: "Just hit the refresh button."

Bailey: "Get-stay back. I'm doing this."

Izzie: "Hey, is it up yet?" she asks coming over to the group with Sky next to her

Bailey: "No."

Sky: "Well, here. Just hit the refresh-"

Bailey: "I am hitting the refresh..." she suddenly jumps in her seat as she smacks Sky's hand suprising the woman and everyone around them

Sky: "Ow." she mutters as Mark grabs her shoulders to pull her a little away from the woman

Bailey: "Okay, all of you, back up. Stop hovering, stop speculating. The rankings will go up when they go up. We have no control over when they're posted. When it is up, I will say, "It is up." Until then, back up, shut up and leave me alone so I can push the-"

Meredith: "It's up." she says as they all move in closer to look at the screen

Bailey: "Oh. Oh, number one, Hopkins. Number two, Mayo."

Erica: "Told ya."

Bailey: "Three, Cleveland clinic?"

Derek: "What?"

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