Chapter 24

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Cristina: "Mer? Meredith! Meredith! Get up! You have to get up now! Meredith! Get up! Oh, God." she helps sit her up and Meredith looks around to see Mark stumbling as he moves closer to them, Arizona screaming as a part of plane is on her, and the planet unconscious

Meredith: "How long was I out?" she asks seeing a piece of glass stuck in her leg

Cristina: "I don't...I... I don't know. I lost my...I lost my shoe."

Meredith: "Where's...where's Derek and Lexie and Sky?"

Cristina: "I don't...I don't know. I lost a shoe."

Meredith: "What happened?"

Cristina: "The plane crashed, that's what happened. We were in a plane, and it crashed. Plane crash."

Meredith: "Where is Derek?! Cristina, where is Derek?"

Cristina: "He and Sky got sucked out the side when we hit the trees, and then the back of the plane came off. It came off."

Meredith: "Lexie was in the back of the plane."

Cristina: "I-I looked to the back, and all I could see was freakin' sky."

Meredith: "Where is she?"

Cristina: "I don't know! I only have one shoe!"

Meredith: "I'm bleeding."

Cristina: "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" she orders Arizona who stops screaming

Meredith: "Do you you hear that sound? Where is that sound coming from?" they listen as they hear a tapping sound

Arizona: "There. It's coming from over there."

Meredith: "Derek! Lexie! Sky! Derek! Lexie!"

Mark: "Lexie" they see her hand banging the seatbelt on the side of the plane. When they move closer they see Sky laying nearby "Sky!" he rushes over to her and sees her clutching her side "Sky. Hey. How are you?" he asks and she groans turning back over to her side "Okay. Hey, hey. What hurt. Tell me your symptoms."

Sky: "Upper left abdomen." she groans out

Mark: "Take a deep breath" he puts a hand on her left shoulder and she winces when she does "Does that hurt?"

Sky: "Yeah."

Mark: "Okay. Sounds like a ruptured spleen. I'm gonna sit you up okay."

Sky: "Okay." she nods and he slowly sits her up before carefully picking her up and moving her closer to where the others are at and lightly places her on the ground

Meredith: "Lexie. Lexie."

Lexie: "I knew you'd show up." she breathes out 

Cristina: "How is she?"

Meredith: "She's awake and responsive. How you doing in there?"

Lexie: "I'm...I'm great."

Meredith: "Yeah? Good girl. We're gonna get you outta here, okay?"

Lexie: "Okay." Meredith nods before turning to face the others 

Meredith: "She's tachycardic and short of breath. We have to find Derek."

Cristina: "Okay, you know what? We've got Lexie. So go. Go find him. Go, go. Go try and find him."

Mark: "We gotta get her outta there."

Cristina: "Pop it back in. Pop it back in" she motions to her shoulder "Ah. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Okay, do it. Oh, God! Oh!" she yells out in pain and Mark brings her into his arms

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