Chapter 4

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Alex: "So, Devo, you just had a root canal, correct?"
Devo: "Yeah. l couldn't stop bleeding after, literally. Now l'm stuck with you guys."
Burke: "Give me the bullet." he says coming into the room with them
Alex: "17 year old female hospitalized for excessive bleeding, post root canal. Also a significant new heart murmur associated with fever. Now afebrile on antibiotics."
Devo: "lf l'm gonna die, page my mom and dad?:
Burke: "You're not dying. Where are your parents?"
Devo: "ln the cafeteria. My freak father likes hospital food."
Burke: "You're in excellent hands. Dr. Karev is gonna run some labs. And l'll see you with your parents in a little while. Add a bleeding time to the coags."
Alex: "So, what kind of name is Devo, anyway?"
Devo: "80s rocker. My parents did too much blow. l call myself Esther."
Alex: "Nice skirt. What are you, Amish?"
Devo: "Get a life. Haven't you ever seen an Orthodox Jew?"

Meredith: "lt's just that l hardly know anything about you."
Derek: "l'm from New York. l like ferry boats."
Meredith: "Enough with the ferry boats. What about your friends?"
Derek: "l'm a surgeon."
Meredith: "Everybody has friends. l mean, who do you hang out with?"
Derek: "Sky is my friend. I hang out with her."
Meredith: "What do you do on your days off? These are important questions."
Derek: "Ah, important for who?"
Meredith: "We're having sex every night. l think l deserve details."
Derek: "You have more details than most."
Meredith: "This is going somewhere weird. l want facts, and until l get them, my pants are staying on."
Derek: "Or you could just roll with it. Be flexible. See what happens."
Meredith: "l'm not flexible."
Derek: "There l disagree. Hmm. l've got to go. We'll find these things out. That's the fun part. That's the gravy." he says walking away from her
Meredith: "That is what l'm talking about. l don't want to be your gravy."

Mrs.Glass: "Someone said you guys have a psychic running around. ls that true?"
Sky: "I did not even hear you say that." She says scoffing a little
Mrs. Glass: "Predicted someone would die on the fourth floor."
Izzie: "lCU's on the fourth floor. People die all the time."
Sky: "We're finishing up here, Mrs.Glass. We'll take this down to Path and get the results of the frozen-section biopsy and see you in a few hours."
Izzie: "The guy is just playing mind games. l can see further into the future than he can."
Sky: "Why do you care about this, Stevens?" She asks seeing the women get so worked up
Izzie: "l don't."

Burke: "Your daughter needs a valve replacement. Tests indicate von Willebrand's disease, which explains excessive bleeding after the root canal." he says as he talks to Devo's parents
Man: "And that means?"
Alex: "Devo can't take the blood thinners to maintain a mechanical heart valve."
Burke: "We're suggesting a porcine valve instead."
Man: "Porcine? As in pig?"
Burke: "lt's the standard of care for someone in this situation."
Man: "Pig, huh?"
Alex: "lt's the other white meat."
Woman: "l don't care what you have to do. Save my daughter's life."

Cristina: "Dr. Bailey, l want off the psychic case. l'll take whatever you got. Can l switch?" she says coming over to where Bailey and Izzie are standing at the nurses desk and Sky is sitting at the computer
Bailey: "Ask nicely."
Cristina: "Uh, well, this is me doing nicely." she says making Sky chuckle at them while keeping her eyes on the screen
Izzie: "Look, l know the type. These guys want everybody to think they're a sideshow. Let me take him."
Bailey: "l don't do switches."
Cristina: "l'll do your post-op notes for a month."
Bailey: "Fine. l can accept that. lzzie, you get Psych guy. Yang. This is your lucky day. You get to be with me and Dr. Rivers on breast cancer."
Cristina: "You're working on a breast cancer patient?" she asks looking at Sky confused
Sky: "I worked on her a few years back. She's a friend. There's spotting. You'll need to do a pelvic. She's pregnant." she says clicking out of something on the screen before walking away

Mr. Glass: "Don't we have treatment options? l-l mean, aren't there always alternatives?"
Cristina: "With this stage of invasive carcinoma, surgery, chemo, radiation and drug therapy are your only options."
Mrs. Glass: "Can l wait until the end of my pregnancy?"
Cristina: "The pregnancy hormones will likely speed the growth of the cancer."
Mr. Glass: "And the baby?"
Cristina: "None of these treatments will allow the baby to survive."
Bailey: "Mr. and Mrs. Glass, l understand how difficult this is."
Mrs. Glass: "No disrespect, but like hell, you do."
Sky: "You're right" she says stepping up to them "We can't fully understand what you're going through. However you have to make a decision as to how you want to proceed."
Mrs. Glass: "You mean my baby's life or my own?"
Sky: "Yes." she says sighing at the woman
Bailey: "We'll have to evacuate the fetus."

Devo: "You know how important this is to me!"
Woman: "This is about saving your life."
Devo: "You're not respecting it, or me. You're letting them put a pig, a freaking non-kosher, traif mammal, into my chest, into my heart! The very essence of my being!"
Alex: "lt's a porcine valve, actually."
Devo: "l don't care what it is. If you give me a pig part, l might as well be dead."
Man: "This Orthodox thing was a mistake. What was wrong with being Reform like everyone else?"
Devo: "You guys don't even light candles Friday nights. You don't know all the Passover plagues."
Alex: "Boils, vermin, pestilence. Even l know that."
Burke: "Miss Friedman, l appreciate your extreme religious convictions."
Alex: "Fire, hail..." he says muttering to himself
Burke: "Simply put, without this procedure, you will die."
Devo: "You're hotshot doctors. You'll come up with something else. As long as it doesn't answer to Wilbur and say ''oink,'' l don't care what it is." she says making Alex snicker at her

Sky: "What's wrong with you?" she asks looking up from her notes as Derek comes into the attendings room and sighs out while sitting at the table with her
Derek: "Oh it's Meredith. She's going on and on about wanting to know more about me."
Sky: "Huh."
Derek: "You know I don't know why this is so important to her. Like what does knowing the little things about me actually do for her?" he asks making Sky chuckle a little
Sky: "You would think that you've never been in a relationship before. Knowing the little things about a person is what makes you fall for them. She's letting you into her life all she wants to know is that she's making the right choice with you" she says as he sighs out in thought making her put her pen down to fully look at him "The two of you are still new. Start off with the little things and see where it goes from there. Tell her your favorite book, favorite food, stuff like that." she says as he nods his head and smiles at her before getting up
Derek: "Thanks."
Sky: "Might want to add in there about the wife you still have. That's something she needs to know." she calls out to him making him turn to face her before walking out the room

Alex: "Your mitral regurge is getting worse. The valves are leakier than ever."
Devo: "Are you hitting on me?"
Alex: "If you want me to." he says wiping the gel off her chest
Devo: "l hear they call you Dr. Evilspawn."
Alex: "Well, only the people that like me."
Devo: "l guess that explains the lack of faith thing."
Alex: "You know, l kind of think of myself as a pagan, but, hey, that's just me."
Devo: "You know what it's like being a teenager these days? My friends spend most of their time screwing around and getting wasted. At least l have God."
Alex: "Well, so God wants you to die, huh?"
Devo: "He wants me to be passionate about what l believe in. You don't believe in anything."
Alex: "My mother used to pray to Saint Jude for me."
Devo: "How appropriate. Patron saint of lost causes." she says making him laugh
Alex: "Mmm."

Mr. Glass: "We have decided to go ahead with the evacuation." He says when the three come back into the room
Mrs. Glass: "What the hell, right? Maybe this is how it's supposed to be." she says brushing her hair as Sky gives her a sad look
Sky: "Are you 100% sure?" she asks as they nod their heads
Bailey: "We need to start chemo right away."
Cristina: "We'll get everything ready."
Sky: "Have you ever done a D and C before?" she asks as they walk back out the room
Cristina: "We learned at school."
Sky: "Ok, uh, go ahead. l'll call an OB resident down to supervise. If she needs anything, page me."

Alex: "You're using up my oxygen, O'Malley." he says as he goes through articles on a computer and George stands in front of him, watching him
George: "How does a pompous, cocky jackass like you always have women all over him?"
Alex: "Little blue love pills, lots of them."
George: "Come on." he says sighing out
Alex: "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. There it is, a bovine xenograft" he says laughing crazy like surprising George before standing up excitedly "O'Malley, you think too much. Can't you see it? You got to dance and jab. Dance and jab" he says little punches "Like me. l am the Ali of this place." he says before rushing out the room going to Devo's where he sees her praying in front of a wall "Does the wall ever bow back?"
Devo: "lt's called davening, smartass. This is me communing with God, and you're interrupting."
Alex: "l've found a transplant option. At first, l thought maybe a cadaver, but they're really hard to find. And then l realized Dr. Burke can transplant a bovine mitral valve instead of the pig." he says as Dr. Burke appears in the doorway and listens in to the conversation
Man: "She can get a cow valve?"
Woman: "Dr. Burke why wasn't this mentioned before?"
Burke: "Dr. Karev."
Alex: "The bovine valve has only been an option the last few years."
Burke: "lt's a much more complicated procedure."
Alex: "But the best part is it's superior to the pig. lt lasts longer." he says as they continue to talk to the family before walking out the room
Burke: "What small fraction of your brain were you using?"
Alex: "What?"
Burke: "Correct me if I'm wrong, but did you not present an alternative without consulting your attending first?"
Alex: "l thought you'd be-"
Burke: "Impressed? That's just stupid."
Alex: "Sorry."
Burke: "We're finished here, Karev. You're off this case." he says walking away from the man stunning him

Sky: "And you're really sure?" she asks as they both nod their heads with smiles on their faces "Alright. Just promise me that you'll take great care of this little one while it's in you." she says smiling at the couple as Cristina comes into the room
Cristina: "l'm gonna do a quick pelvic exam. The OB resident should be down soon. lt's a short procedure. Your husband can stay if he likes."
Mrs. Glass: "We changed our minds."
Cristina: "Excuse me?"
Mr. Glass: "We've decided to keep the baby."
Cristina: "You have cancer." she bluntly states
Mrs. Glass: "Can you tell me l'll survive if l go through with this?"
Cristina: "Having the procedure does not necessarily improve the outcome."
Mrs. Glass: "You have quite the bedside manner. You know that?" she says making Sky chuckle a little at the woman "My mom died of breast cancer when she was in her 40s. l have that cancer gene. My chances are pretty much lose-lose, whichever way you look at it, except for the baby. We're keeping it."
Cristina: "l'll call down a Psych consult."
Sky: "Dr. Yang."
Mrs. Glass: "Don't bother. l am going to get fat and happy instead of skinny and bald. l'm at the end-"
Cristina: "If you want to live-"
Mrs. Glass: "Honey, that's what l'm doing." she says smiling at her husband as Sky smiles at them before watching Cristina walk out the room

Cristina: "Look, if you think you're gonna get any, think again. l'm not in the mood." she says as Burke comes into the on-call room she's in
Burke: "l'm not in the mood, either."
Cristina: "Good. What do you want?" she asks after its silent for a moment
Burke: "Nothing. l just haven't seen you all day."
Cristina: "So l'm working."
Burke: "l've never done a bovine replacement before. l don't know what l'm doing."
Cristina: "Look it up, research it and get someone to assist you." she says making him scoff
Burke: "lt's not that easy."
Cristina: "This is a problem that has a solution, Burke. There are a lot of problems that don't." she says sitting up looking at him sternly before laying back down

Burke: "Oh, Dr. Karev. How long would it take to get a cow valve?" he asks seeing Alex in the staircase after having watched perfectly intubate a patient
Alex: "Oh, about 60 minutes by messenger."
Burke: "You're scrubbing in."
Alex: "Thank you very much, sir."
Burke: "This doesn't get you any points, Karev. l'm the only one with points around here, ok? Oh, by the way, Devo wants a rabbi to bless her before surgery."
Alex: "Seriously?"
Burke: "You came up with the cow, you can find that girl a rabbi" he says walking away before finding Sky sitting in an empty room "Dr. Rivers do you have a minute?"
Sky: "Of course. What can I do for you?" she asks giving him her full attention
Burke: "I was doing some research and discovered that you've done a few bovine replacements before."
Sky: "That I have."
Burke: "I have a patient who is requesting one. It was originally supposed to be a porcine valve but because of her beliefs she won't allow it. Bovine is the best option for her, however I have never done one before. Was wondering if you're available to to perform it and if it would be alright if I scrubbed in to observe."
Sky: "Of course."
Burke: "I printed out some articles about the procedure but I would love your take on it." he says as she moves closer so they can discuss the procedure

Later that night after prepping Devo for surgery, the rabbi stands over her praying while holding her hand before they put her out to sleep

Doctor: "She's good."
Sky: "This is Dr. Chesney from the Cleveland Clinic. He's an expert on bovine valve replacement surgery. He's assisted me before in this procedure and he will be assisting via satellite." she says motioning to the TV screen as she gets her gown put on and they begin the surgery
Chesney: "Thank you, Dr. Rivers. After the sternotomy and connection to bypass, we're going to do a transverse left atriotomy to expose the valve.

Sky: "Take care of both of you. If at any time something happens don't be afraid to call. Ok."
Mrs. Glass: "Ok" she says before looking over at her husband before looking back at Sky "Can you promise me something?"
Sky: "Sure."
Mrs. Glass: "You've done so much for me. I just want to ask if you wouldn't mind looking after my baby. Just checking in on them. When I'm gone."
Sky: "Of course. I have a feeling your baby is going to be a fighter. Just like their mom." she says smiling at the woman as she nurse wheels the pair away and she watches after them

Meredith: "Where are we?" she asks as he brings her over to where a trailer is parked
Derek: "Shh, shh. l'm gonna tell you. All right. My mother's maiden name, Maloney. l have four sisters. Five if you count Sky. l have, uh, nine nieces. Five nephews. l like coffee ice cream, single-malt scotch, occasionally a good cigar. l like to fly-fish. l cheat when l do the crossword puzzle on Sunday. And l never dance in public. Um, favorite novel, The Sun Also Rises. Favorite band, The Clash. My favorite color is blue. l don't like light blue. Indigo. If you ask Sky she'll tell you that it's my favorite color because of her. The scar right here on my forehead, that's why l don't ride motorcycles anymore. And l live in that trailer. All this land is mine. l have no idea what l'm gonna do with it. So that's it. That's all you've earned for now. The rest you're just-just gonna have to take on faith." he says as she moves a little closer to the trailer before turning to face him and holding her hand out for him to take and they go inside the trailer

Authors note: if this chapter was confusing I'm sorry. All these events ended up having to been related to Sky in a sense.

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